Saturday, March 31, 2007Y
jus came back home nort long ago le.went tuhh ruiling de birthday party ay yio chu kang sport hall.hab lots of fun at there.kekes(:carol was there tuhh.tired.was damn hot at there.n she can swim under dha HOT SUN!omg.if ii were her.ii gonna faint.lols.her party ended round 3.mie;gina;elrin n carol walked tuhh dha mrt station tuhhgather.elrin n gina were discussin bout wad they ate jus now n how fat wil they b.duh.whahas(: carol meet ben in dha train.mie went tuhh causeway tuhh meet darling.she lend mie her mini toons card.cos probably mie wanna buy dha black shoulder.darling haben come yet.sho gina acc mie.we went tuhh metro tuhh shop for heels.nice ehs.sho mani red de heels.omg.c le.made mie wanna buy.but ii dunno how tuhh wear.ii wanna learn le.after tt mie wait for darling at metro de entrance.lols.finally he came.waot for him bout 10 mins.den we went tuhh mini toons tuhh c dha bag.nice nice ehs.but dha bag onli leave black n milk colour.dunno whic one tuhh buy.den mie went tuhh find carol n ben 1st.after sometime of considerin.mie bought dha black looks sho gogerous.darling paid for it.thanks thanks.dis ish dha 4th bag tt yew bought for mie.heehee(:hab dha same bag as carol.gonna bring dis bag tuhh sch n sentosa.whahas(: iiLOVESmydarling
7:12 PM
finally!!!mie jus reached home.tired.jus came bac frm town.went tuhh watch movie."dha messengers"quite nice.actually was suppose tuhh buy dha new urban males de flip flop.but in dha end.dun hab dha one tt ii wan.guess ii dun wanna buy it.somemore jus now cant find dha everlast de pencil box.humpf.when can ii get thsoe thingys tt ii wan?humpf.ii wan it asap ehs.hmmm.2ml ish sat.ii can slp til late late le.heehee(:![pigpig]jus now during geo lesson.mie fell aslp.wahahs.on muaii way back home ii did dha same thingys.on muaii way back tuhh woodlands.mie slept again.kekes.tink ii'm worse den a pig.lols.almost cant wake up.while walkin back home.muaii eyes were half-opened.haa!ytd.we won tuhh fairfield.2:0!!!after our match we headed tuhh causeway point de swensen's.omg.mie gonna go FAT le.arghhh.ate fish 'n' chips n a BIG thin mint ice-cream.whahas(:full lik hell..after tt meet darling den we went tuhh precious thots tuhh buy dha keychain.nice nice!!!we bought n exchange.muaii ish dha hart.wheras darling's keychain ish a rounded one.ii choosed de!!!heehee(:ard 8 plus mie went home.cos wanna study for muaii maths class dha end.jus browse through.hahas.ard 11 den went tuhh slp.ish lik damn tired.
10:29 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2007Y
late le.mie 2ml de pOst.nites everyone
10:31 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007Y
mie jus reached home.jus now mie went gamblin.mie won 37bucks.n ii can buy new urban males de slippers le.omg.damn anxious.lols.but still dunno yet.kekes(:probably fri goin down tuhh hereen tuhh take a looks.kekes. <33happie>
he's muaii beibei[dOggie]5 years old
8:28 PM
hmmm.mie did nort go sch muaii rite eye ish swollen.omg.damn pain.lols.humpf.darling meet mie at muaii downstairs de polyclinic.acc mie tuhh wait for muaii turn.actually can sae tt ish quite fast den muaii previous visit.kekes(:waited bout 45mins.muaii mum came.den both of them acc mie.kekes.finally ish muaii turn,dha doc sae ish jus a mild infection.cant wear contact lens for dha time being.but ii cant.mie 2ml wil b wearin as ii hab muaii match.shhh.jus awhile onli.after takin muaii med.we went tuhh etat breakfast cum lunch.nice nice til tuhh full le.hahas.omg.saw xubin on dha cover pafe of dha "i-weekly"magazine.2ml let him sign.happie happie.treat him as dha campus superstar.whahas.n dun make mie popular hoh,ii dun wan.bleahs.gonna put muaii eye drop le.soon soon.jus found out tt kelly did nott go tuhh sch ish tuhh conincidence.lols.wonder wad ish happenin in sch rite now.hmmm.tink muaii class ish damn noisy n arguin wib teachers here n there.mostly hab homework.2ml nite study le.humpf.STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!2ml de match we mush win.lalalas.gonna start muaii war le.homework stil in dha process. <33iilovesweihai<33
1:24 PM
finally.ii can use dha com ish 9.56pm le.sho late le,jus reached home nOrtt long ago.tired.jus had muaii trainin.haish.ish our last trainin.wib muaii team mates le.cos they r grauduatin soon le.ish their last yr.omg.gonna cry again.haish.muaii eyes ish swOllen le.very red.probably 2ml nort goin tuhh sch.both eyes pain now.lols.cant open BIG BIG!!!haben do finish muaii homework yet,wahahas(:but heng arhs.2ml no nd hand in.kekes.thurs ish our last match le.we mush win 2:0.ish a mush.tuhhdae did nOrtt go nites lim dun allow us.cos we had our trainin til 730pm.siand'ded onli dis cOmin thurs den can go.humpf.pray hard for muaii comin class test ii am able tuhh pass.
9:55 PM
siand'ed.ii cried jus now.humpf.went tuhh eat mac at civic den saw janice;amirah;fann;gina.we spent time chattin wib them.tinkin of they wil b graduatin dis yr den left mie alOne.haish.feelin sad rite now.gonna b dha da jie in dha team le.but ii dun wan.ii wan them tuhh jOkes ard.made mie laugh lik mad.ii cant bear tuhh leave yew guys.dun hab yew.prObably our team wil nOrt reach tuhh natiOnal ish our glory.we played tuhhgather as a team tuhh hab tt.ii'm sho happie.thanks!!!
7:46 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007Y
omg.ii lik dha song.ii keep on repeatin dha same canto song.damn nice.thanks junhao.wahahs(:made mie sho addict wib it.bleahs.gonna set tt as muaii ringtOne le.sho sweet de song.tuhh bad.mie dunno how tuhh read dha song name.bad of mie.kekes
4:37 PM
omg.guess ii'm addict tuhh dha sweets ,machine le.ii wanna play.ii wanna collect al dha paperclips.damn cute lols.wahahas(:did nort sell outsid.or propbably mie did nort c them sell before bahs,darling darling,ii wanna go now.can?but yew stil slpin.omg.HATEs yew.

darling.thanks thanks.ii LOVEs it.kekes(:
hab sho mani bear bear from yew.EIGHT!!!
11:56 AM
siand'ed.gonna do start doin muaii homework le.boring.chiong muaii folio again.cos mondae nd tuhh hand up.humpf.stress by it.muaii generatin ideas hab do yet..sho difficult tuhh do de.onli tink of 1 theme analysis onli do 12.haish.tink mush 20.arghhh.fed up wib it.tinkin of droppin dis sub out.but if suay den cant help mie pull muaiii grade up.if drop le.o lvl cant do it sub le.omg.ii stuck wib it!!!2 more das muaii folio due le.n ii'm stil sho slow.stil hab muaii tupid mahs homework.n stil mush tink of muaii class tee de desgin.fuck up.lols.makin muaii lyfe difficult for mie.ii'm nortt a robort.ii nd REST.27more weeks left n ii wil b habin muaii n le.sobbin.ii wanna pass.n wanna continue play volleyball in woodlands ring.but ii oso nd muaii SHOPPIN TIME!!!!tink of it.jiu siand'ed diao le.owaes no time for mie tuhh study.
11:29 AM
now ish 11:17pm le.damn tired.we LOSE tuhh phs.we played 2:1.guess wad?ish dha same referee again.fuCk up.he ish biased were supposed tuhh win dis match again.ah bo.we long hab entered top 4 le.n muaii dreams wil fulfill.thanks tuhh him again.hope he wil kenna sack out of his job.if he did nortt did dis tuhh mie or whoever.ii wil nort even curse him.he ish dha sucker referee tt ii hab in muaii mind.lame shit.humpf.guess we hab tuhh pray hard tt fairfield wil either win jurong or phs 2:0.den shu small points.lik tt we wil b enter tuhh dha top 4.hope sho.but 1st of al.we mush beat fairfield 2:0.humpf.volleyball oso can stress.make no difference frm studies.humpf.haish.sorrie tuhh those who owaes support muaii team n owaes gave us encouragement.thanks thanks lots.esp MEGAT[muaii class de]n wilson(:chee wei oso.[cos he rather support our sch den his ex-sch`jurong sec]n alots alots of yew.sorrie tuhh those tt ii did nort mention ur names.ii reallie appreciate it lots(:ii LOVEs yew guys.muackiies<33jus returned hOme nort long ago.went tuhh causeway wib darling.went tuhh eat long john.nice nice.yummy.kekes.damn hungry,recess mie eat pao nia.den lunch eat rice,but cant eat finished.dunno y.humpf.goin hab prob wib mie le.wahahs.after tt went tuhh cinema level 7.c gort wad movie tuhh watch,was suppose tuhh go xuemin de bbq.but rainin.sho ii ended up stayed at dha show gonna start at 7 plus.sho ii tel him c how.after tt we went tuhh arcade.kekes.den darling wanna play dha sweets machine de.gortt dha wad jackport.sho he went tuhh change 10bucks.lols.we played.den we won dha jackport.hahas.sho happie.won dha bear bear.very cute ehs.omg!!!we used 3bucks tuhh get it.den oso hab lots of sweets n dha dumbo dha elephant de paperclip.did nort hab dha winnie dha pooh de.humpf.if can change jiu hao le.ii wanna change,.humpf.):sad sad.after tt we tuhh watch movie.we watched 7.50pm de show."forest of dead"nort bad.ish rather detective den ghost story bahs.abit dun understand.shu qi act de.after watchin finshed quite late le.sho took bus go home.n dis ish where am ii.sittin rite in front of dha com.hahas[lame of mie]gonna slp le.v tired.nites.
11:17 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007Y
oh ya.fOrget tuhh sae.fianlly ii bOught dha nike RED water bOttle le(:nice nice.darling oso hab dha same de.but he gort a white for himself.wib a silver tick wib it.but ii prefer dha red de.wahahs
8:54 PM
sho happie.darling finally cOme baCk frm chalet.gort 4 bear bear frm him.kekes(:thanksthanks.hmmm.lazy tuhh uplOad dha pics,2ml den dO it.wahahas.erm.jus came back home frm muaii trainin.ii can block dha ball le.i play down threee balls.sho happie.ii can do it.2ml wil b playin against PHS le.mush jia you.cannort affird tuhh lose another match le.ii wan get in.please god.stand by muaii side jus for dis comin match n playin against fairfield.ii jus nd it.reallie.hope tt 2ml ii wil nort touch dha net again anymore le.gort back muaii progress card.humpf.cant believe it.i passed 5sub.but al grade 5.ii failed 3.humpf.for dha comin exam ii wil do better den tt de.believe mie.nites sudies gOnna start le.dis comin tues.humpf,trainin gonna end late.prObably wil b bathin in sch.tink mOst likely wil b studyin wib ying ying;janice they al bahs.stil nort sure goin marhs.c 1st.or probably study wib fren outsid.[library]ii wanna pass muaii n ite in muaii mind at al.onli sec 5.tuhhwards POLY!!!ii wanna watch haunted sch.asap!!!!n dha new ghOst show,shuqi act de.dunno wad title.tuhhdae jus show.ii wan watch!!!!
8:40 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007Y
2ml gonna b a tiring dae for mie.humpf.gonna hab muaii trainin.b4 tt hab self study study!!!!arghhh!!!!hab muaii maths class test next week le.ii wanna score a A1 for tt.distinction.n ii believe ii can.damn tired.slpin soon.nites nites.muaCkiies<33
9:34 PM
finally.tuhhdae dun hab thingys after sch.gort back home early.but haben eat muaii lunch yet.damn hungry.lols.humpf.anyone can help mie buy?wahahs(;[tt pOssible(:]ytd chiOng muaii folio.but haben do finish yet.damn lots tuhh week nite study gonna wil b held on every tues n thurs.omg.ii wil b damn busy tt dae.after trainin til 7.nd tuhh stay back in sch til 930pm.stress!!!wth.gonna collaspe one fine dae.stil hab remedial afer sch.humpf.lots tuhh buck up

4:33 PM
fuck dha referee larrhs.idiOt.wth.we were suppose tuhh win dha game de.jus bcOs of yew.fOr catchin dha wrong person.opponent step across tuhh our court.den step dao muaii leg.den yew did nortt catch.mie almost sprain bcos of her.if we win.we sure got tuhh dha top 4 hab tuhh win al dha rest of dha match in order for us tuhh get intuhh.damn stress.jus bcos of volleyball.HATEs!!!we played dha 3 games were lik 20 plus.near them de.humpf.if he did his part.we sure win dha game.thanks tuhh yew fOr b tt baised.
8:52 PM
jus came baCk home.went for muaii trainin jus now.damn tired.injured muaii arm.zhOng le.humpf:(2ml gOin tuhh play wib JURONG le.scare.i wanna WIN them.n yes!ii nO we can DO it de.nO wOrries guys.tuhhdae ish dha 1st dae of sCh.everythingys was nOrmal.but ii seems tuhh b damn tired.lik gOin tuhh slp lik tt.humpf.
8:35 PM
jus gamble finshed.ii wOn 13buCks.hmmm.felt shO muaii sis win baCk her mOney.n she wOn 2buCks baCk.heng fOr her.whahas(:ii'm tired.can gO party world le.jun haO dun bluff mie hOh.yew prOmish mie when next trip tuhh party-wOrld wil call mie de.ii wil rmb it.wahahas(:yew cant run walk wib it.bleahs.chee wei arhs.wahhas(:ii prOmish ii wil acc yew.but mush wait fOr amirah free 1st.kekes(:pray hard tt she ish
7:23 PM
arghhh.tuhhdae ishdha last dae of hOlidae le.siand'ed:(den 9plus chee wei msg mie.humpf.wOke up le.cant get baCk tuhh slp.wth.haish.there's gOes muaii hOlidae le.cant slp til late late.wahahs.mie rejeCted him again.fOr nOrtt gOin party wOrld wib him arhs.nOrtt purpOsely de.ish BANKRUPT le.wahahs.wah~ytd saw serene de hair extendtiOn.damn niCe lols.c le.make mie wanna dO.wahahs!!!ii wan dO!!!but mush wait larhs.prObably next hOlidae.dha cOmin june hOlidae.n ish muaii bdae.a bdae present fOr mie bahs.wahahas(:
11:44 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2007Y

finally.gOrt baCk hOme.was damn tired.went tuhh tOa payOh.tuhh suppOrt amirah;fann n juliana(: reaChed there bOut 9 plus.lOts of ppl were q-ing up.lols.damn HOT!!!cant stand it.went tuhh dha frOnt tuhh watCh dha shOw.we waited n waited.but haben reaCh their turn.lols.mie,wei hai,terranCe n ping kwang went tuhh eat lunCh.damn hungry.saw serenee n jOanne over there(:[muaii JUNIOR]they went tuhh suppOrt their fren(:tink ish by dha name of JULIE.wahahas(;aniwae.she's PRETTY!!nice niCe.zhOng yu le.waited shO lOng.ish their turn le.shO anxiOus(:juliana was dha 1st tuhh sing.*tink tink tink.she ENTERED.feel happie fOr her.but amirah n fann did nOrtt went in.but at least they had dha experienCe.[cheer up]sho happie.saw HONG YUYANG.he damn handsome.wahahas.brOwn haiir le(:his singin oso imprOve lOts.
6:40 PM
JOSHUA!!!thanks fOr helpin mie align dha sOund traCk!!!!
n thanks fOr dha msg!!thOugh ii was slpin.i did reply yew wOrx.shO LATE.thanks thanks fOr dha cOncern.reallie appreciate it.kekes(:
8:21 PM

muaii giraffe otter damn CUTE

PIG PIG crOcOdile shO BIG
7:24 PM
everythingys went baCk tuhh NORMAL le.thanks guys.fOr cOncernin mie.reallie appreciate it.muaCkiies<33
7:10 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007Y
wO bui xiang ai ta daO na me shen.dan wO zhen de bei shang hai daO le.wO haO shang xin.wO ku le.[ii nO cryin ishn't a thingys tuhh sae Out lOud.but ii reallie felt a knife stab in muaii HART!!!]ii dunnO wad tuhh dO msn.ii did nOrtt reply his msg.he called mie.ii answered.ii told II AM NORTT FREE!!!wad shOuld ii dO?ii'm very cOnfuse):alrites.lata de trainin.ii gOnna b HAPPIE(:[but ii dun tink ii can]reallie hen xin ku.haish!whO can unerstand wad ii'm feelin nOw.prObably tOng ku.zhi yOu RICHMOND wil nOe bahs.HELP MIE!!!ii cant breathe prObably.arghhhh.THANKS tuhh yew fOr mie treatin lik dis.
11:58 AM
as usual.mie wOke damn early.siand'ed.wei nan called mie at 7 plus.jus tuhh ask mie wad ish jeremy nO.den ii dunnO whiCH one he askin.den ii anyhOw gib.wahahas.humpf.wOnder hOw he gOrtt muaii nO.den damn early called.omg.gOnna die le.did nOrtt get enOugh slp): HATEs!!!tuhhdae gOnna b a TOUGH dae fOr mie le.hab muaii trainin.den at niite 7-930pm habin friendly matCh in sCh.playin against hwa zhOng.tink ish JC bahs.shO anxiOus.pray hard fOr lata de trainin.ii am able tuhh play well.jia yOu le jayda(:wahahas.haben dO muaii hOmewOrk yet.very LAZY ehs.sOmemOre cant tink of dha sOlutiOn.humpf.angry'ed.shO irritatin.but at least ii finshed muaii COMPOSITION.ii qian dis pieCe of hmwk damn lOng lOng le.stil haben gib him yet(:ps arhs
9:53 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007Y
ii cried[nOrtt bcOs ii wOn]
8:18 PM
yeah!!gOnna play mahjOng sOon le.wahahas[seems lik ii'm play dis fOr dha 1st time,but ii'm nOrtt]kekes(: JOSHUA!!ps arhs.did nOrtt cal yew play.cOs ish muaiif fren's hse.n ish a GAL!!wahahas.she's muaii VOLLEYBALL time when yew playin.mush nOrtt leave out mie arhs.when cOmes tuhh mahjOng.dha 1st ppl mush tink of mie le.wahahas(:okies le.gOnna gO bath n get out of muaii hse le.tata.wil update when ii use cOm(:
1:48 PM
waitin fOr JOSHUA helpin mie shift dha sOng.[ii'm waitin PATIENTLY](:
12:10 PM
DIE LE LARHS.tink ii hab prOb le larhs.mie evrydae wake up at 8 plus.shO early wake.made mie damn tired in dha afternOon.but cant get baCk tuhh slp le.humpf:(
siand'ed.muaii cOm dun hab any sOngs.cOs jus refOrmat.haa!!!prObably in dha afternOon gOin gina's hse play MAHJONG!!!wahahas(:shO lOng did nOrtt play le.but ii oso nOrtt tt prO.kekes(:shO play wib dem.mie wib b lik RETARDED.wahahas.shO hOpe they dun mind.lols.hOpe can win mOre mOre.bleahs.[shhh.better dun tel them.if nOrtt they gOnna kill mie]playin wib sharOn,jia yuan n of cOs gina larhs.[duh]weihai wil b sittin ard.guidin mie.ah bO.ii gOnna anyhOw disCard dha tiles le.wahahas.n tt's mie.
ii wan muaii HAVERSACK asap ehs.humpf.sad'ed.gOin sCh reOpen le.tink muaii BAG gOnna b heavy again.den sOmemOre when we r habin cOmpetitiOn,we hab tuhh bring our bag alOng.[wth]playin fOr dha sCh den dun hab LOCKER fOr us tuhh keep it.[*TOOTS]hab tuhh bring al dha way tuhh PHS.wib bags n shOe bag.den ish lik sweatin le.den acrry it.[omg]tt ish damn disguishting.lols.insane.
10:13 AM
damn TIRED.lols.humpf): trainin shO tOugh.haish.jus nOw befOre trainin mie went tuhh eat muaii lunCh.den went fOr muaii GHOSTLY trainin.after tt went causeway tuhh eat muaii dinner wib weihai,gina,jia yuan n sharOn eat KFC.after eatin le.mie gO walk walk.den suddenly ii tink ii saw jOshua.but ii dun dare tuhh cal him[ps]wahahas.sCare cal wrOng ppl.kekes(:den ii called him tuhh ask whether did ii c dha wrOng ppl.wahahs.but heng in dha end ish him.but sObbin.he did nOrtt sae hi tuhh mie.he did c mie.humpf.HATE YEW larhs.[dun time mush cal mie when yew c mie.kekes(:]
oh ya.we jus gOrtt our sChedule fOr our cOmin matCh.dha 1st game ish playin against wib wad ii'm tinkin.haa!!![BINGO]dha 2nd matCh ish PHS n lastly dha 3rd matCh ish wib PHS.playin against wib jurOng on tuesdae.2.30pm.damn anxiOus n sCare.cOaCh sae tt there ish a 50-50 chanCes winnin.yup.ii dO tink shO.n we reallie gOrtt a GOOD DRAW.
good luCk fOr muaii cOmin matCh.kekes(:wil update de.nO wOrries<33haa
9:42 PM
dediCated tuhh muaii LOVEs one[muaCkiies]
happie 6th mOnths anniversary le.shO happie.time flies.n we hab been tuhhgather fOr half a year.wahahs(:lookin fOrward fOr dha lunCh lata.crystal jade?wahahas.
lata yew gO bankrupt.lols(:
dada LOVEs yew
12:03 PM
humpf.siand'ed.lata hab VOLLEYBALL trainin at 3 tuhh 5pm.lazy tuhh gO ehs.but ish a MUSH!!!!arghhh.gOnna hate muaii lyfe.mush jia yOu fOr lata de trainin.but train muaii centre pOsitiOn de spikin.wanna KILL oppOnent.muhahas.wait fOr mie.[ii can DO it]wOnder whiCH sCh wil we play 1st.hmmm.hOpe ish jurOng.shO anxiOus.ii reallie wish tt can get intuhh top 4.xi wang ru chi.if we can get tuhh tOp 4.mie damn happiee lik hell.ish lik flyin in dha SKY.wahahas.fu lian jia yOu.smaCk tt.jus hab tuhh win tuhh sCh jiu can le.our dream ish jus ahead of us.they r waitin fOr us tuhh grab.jus ONE step mOre.n we can dO it le.mush nOrtt b LAZY.wad we train fOr we wil get wad we wan.mush nOrtt waste tis PRECIIOUS CHANCE.guO qu le jiu mei yOu le.mush treasure dha chanCes tt we hab fOr nOw.[duh.shO mani lOgiC.dun sae le larhs]
finally.ytd mie did nOrtt muaii fOliO le.but dO muaii extra mindmap n redO muaii chOsen prOblem situatiOn.gOnna start dO muaii 20 existin ideas n theme analysis le.if nOrtt.nOrtt muCh time left fOr mie.hab tuhh prepare fOr muaii other sub de revisiOn le.anOther 29 mOre weeks tuhh n level le.shO sCare.after n lvl.mie stil hab tuhh rush fOr ONE mOre yr.stil hba muaii o ish nOrmal aCad dha baD pOint.mush study fOr tuhh times.if fail n lvl jiu gO ite le.humpf.ii dun wanna gO there.after shO mani years of hardwOrk.ii dun wanna study at ite.ii wanna gO pOly study.fOr muaii further studies.ii wanna get intuhh dha cOurse tt ii wan.
althOugh ii dun lik dha sCh.but ii wanna stay at WOODLADNDS RING fOr one more years of revisiOn.shO tt can take muaii o.hOpe can get less den 10 pOints.if nOrtt,ii gOnna gO CCRAZY!!at tt time.nO one can help mie.can sOmeone teaCH mie maths?ii am stuCk wib it.humpff.
11:05 AM
humpf.freakin tired.but cant get baCk tuhh slp.haish):
die le larhs.stil hab shO mani hOmewOrk tuhh rush.den sOmemOre haben write muaii DIARY yet.humpf.jus finished using frenster.n ii added jeremy.duh[wad dha big FUSS bOut dis]n nOw ii am BLOGGIN!!!!damn sianx.prObably lata at 1 plus.mie gOin tuhh sCh n take muaii dnt foliO.can sae tt ii dO til v slOw.haish.mie dO til design cOnsideratiOn nia.haben dO muaii theme analysis n existin ideas.nOw onli sCore 73/100.jaCky heng lols.he gOrtt 99/100.[wad dha hell]almOst full marks a gurl.ii shOuld win him.[ii dun care] arghhh!!!mOst prObably gOnna study or dha weekend wib kelly(: can ask her teaCh mie wib it.whahas.
9:20 AM
ii'm shO happie.muaii grades are pretty well fOr dis year.hehe(:cant believe it.after shO many hardwOrk.ii had get wad ii wan.thanks gOd<33whahas.scOre A2 fOr muaii maths.finally.but it haben reaCh muaii target yet.muaii ish get A1 fOr it.n ii believe tt ii can dO better den nOw.dare mie!!n yew wil nOe.muhahas.arghh.gOrtt shO many hOlidae hOmewOrk tuhh dO de.humpf.sOmemOre shO difficult.gOnna gO mad le.hOpe ii can make it thrOugh dis hOlidae.wish mie gd luCks bahs.hahas
5:52 PM

fren fOreva

mie n khalil(:

ii simply LOVEs yew guys <33 href="">

we LOVEs 4/7

mie;shiyun;wendy;xiaO ying

emO us(:

finally.after shO mani daes.muaii cOm can b used n ii can BLOG le.shO happie.kekes(:yup.
guess wad?we WON SHUQUN!!!!n we get in tuhh natiOnal tOp 8.omg.reallie cant believe it.ii miss dha part when we cried tuhhgather.[wib jOy]felt shO warmin tuhh b in dha b divisiOn team of wrs vOlleyball gurl."guys.ii simply LOVEs yew!"n ii can tel yew tt teamspirit.ish nOrtt everyOne able tuhh get it.ii felt shO fOrtunate tuhh it.thanks guys.ii appreciate it.n our cOmin matCh ish against JURONG[owaes get 1st in dha natiOnal],PHS[owaes get 2nd] n finally fairfield!!!dis cOmin trainin.we mush train damn hard in Order tuhh get intuhh tOp 4.we jus nd tuhh win tuhh mOre matChes jiu can le.we can DO it(:
ytd.7 plus jiu wake le.nd tuhh reaCh sCh at 8 fOr CIP.tOt it was a bOring dae.but in dha end.ii learned lOts of thingys.n we can bOnd wib our classmate.took quite a nO.of piCs.niCe niCe ehs.whahas.
await fOr our CLASS TEE!!!!!
4:46 PM
Wednesday, March 7, 2007Y
shO lOng did nOrtt BLOG le.
it's shO bOring.damn TOOT!!!muaii cOm spOilt le.HUMPF x(
but ii'm quite happie wib muaii reCent cOmmOn test!!!ii failed muaii cOmbine humanitites nia.hahas.finally.after shO mani of remedial fOr muaii sCienCe.ii passed le.but stil nOrtt ish jus dha beginnin.n ii gOnna wOrk hard fOr tt de.bleahs.ii wanna cOntinue wib muaii seC 5 n take muaii o!!!jia yOu.
tinkin Of fridae de matCh jiu sCare wil determine whether wil we remain in dha natiOnal or out of it.hahas.woodlands ring VS shuqun..aCtually they quite strOng de.but ii'm sure of muaii team mates tt WE CAN DO it.[bleahs](:
ii simply LOVEs muaii mates
3:36 PM