haa.jus came back n0rt l0ng.damn damn tired.):2ml stil hab sch l0ls.
8-9am:s0cial studies930-1230:dnt230-500:dnt AGAINhaish.muaii artefact g0nna due in 4 weeks time.arghhh.help mie arhs.made mie g0 crazy.ohhhs ya.jus n0w went tuhh eat lunch at c0ffeesh0p wib muaii mum n sis.after tt went tuhh pray.c0s ish vesak dae.bleahs.finally prayed finished le.when tuhh take train tuhh meet darling at admiralty.t00k s0me pics in dha train.try tuhh upl0ad asap bahs.tuhh lazy le.hahas.den we went tuhh marina square.went tuhh check whether there's stil any tickets left f0r shrek 3.heng we g0rt tuhh.ish at 405!!!but unluckily ish tt we hab tuhh sit dha 2nd r0w c0untin fr0m dha fr0nt.hahas.stil hab b0ut an h0ur went tuhh hab an0ther lunch again.hahas.hab our meal at carl0's junior.dha burger ish damn big.bigger den other fast f00d restaurant.hahas.made mie very full.darling n ii drank dha iced lem0n tea n0n st0p.hahs.c0s ish different fr0m th0se sellin outside.den when tuhh sh0pped ard.hahas.din buy anythingys.we went tuhh dha arcade.tuhh play daytona.hahas.ii w0n him.at 1st ii was dha last den sl0wly n steadily ii 0vertake him.n ii g0rt 1st!!!saw ka en there t00.he was abit sh0ck t00!!!0f c0s larhs.s0 l0ng din meet each 0ther le.hahas.cant believe bahs.finally ish time f0r m0vie le.ii was s000 excited.cant wait tuh watch.hahas.dha fr0g s00 CUTEEEE!!he was damn funny when he was dieing.hahas.0verall can rate dha m0vie wib 4stars.watched finished le.went tuhh played p00l.ii was lik impr0vin.s0 happie.but stil l0st tuhh darling,he kept praisin muaii skill.ii was s0 lik happie.hahs.finally ii w0n 0ne game.hahas.den we went sh0ppin again.at dha f0yer there hah a sh0w.hahas,ish POWER PUFF GALS.hahas.they are s0 cute l0ls.made mie laughed.esp bubbles(: dha we c0ntinue wib sh0ppin.hahas.actually wanted tuhh buy either a pair 0f flat sh0e or a reveresable bag.but dunn0 which 0ne tuhh buy.s0 din buy.finally saw s0methingys ii lik.a roxy p0uch.hahas,ish in pink c0l0ur.s0 ii b0ught it.hahas.g0nna g0 slp le.2ml stil hab class.nites guys<33
10:10 PM
ytd receive muaii early bdae present fr0m darling.hahas.s00 happie.thanks thanks.made mie cried.bleahs.g0in 0ut s00n.back h0me den bl0g.hahas.
g0in pray pray den g0 celebrate darling's bdae.actually ish 2ml.but 2ml dha wh0le dae b0th us n0rt free.as i wil b habin muaii intensive til 5pm n he hab sch til dha same timin as mie.arghhh.next entry wil upl0ad pics (: tata
10:48 AM
late le.slpin s00n.wil bl0g if i'm free 2ml (: injured.haish
10:37 PM
jus n0w in dha aftern00n went tuhh bugis n t0wn.was supp0se tuhh get muaiiself dha b00ts de.but dun hab dha sh0p le.haish.saddist mie ): den went tuhh bugis cafe tuhh hab lunch.0rdered tt cheese baked rice again n again.ii'm s00 s00 tired n0w.2ml hab tuhh wake up early.arghh.habin muaii 1st intensive class at 8am.din buy anythingys jus n0w.1st time.feelin v xin ku.hahas.
ii'm feelin happie f0r yew.c0s yew are feelin it n0w(:
10:21 PM
JEREMY CHEW (:fang xin larhs.wil link yew de.hahas.lik s000 ji d0ng.bleahs.ytd.wanted tuhh watch m0vie de.but in dha end al dha m0vie we had watched le.so chan.g0rt m0ney dun hab sh0w tuhh watch.arghhh.tupid pr0ducer.s000 little sh0w.ii wan watch shrek THREE!!!faster sh0w!!!went tuhh b0ught physics assesment.hahas.cant believe bahs.den went tuhh dha n0rthp0int de starbucks tuhh drink iced blended m0cha n tuhh d0 muaii revisi0n.guai bahs.study til 730 de went back tuhh marsiling tuhh meet jeremy lim..hahas.thanks arhs.help mie tuhh bring muaii piles 0f b00ks back.ps ps.darling ii wan yew teach mie physics.g0nna get mad s00n le.arghhh
11:21 AM

time f0r bl0ggin le.yea.hahas.few daes din bl0g le.guess i'm tuhh lazy,arghhh.muaii intensive during dha june h0lidae sh0lud b jus 3daes f0r na de.but in dha end al bc0s 0f dnt,hab tuhh c0me back f0r 8 daes.n0 different fr0m dha express,s0mem0re muaii class wil b endin at 5`0ne 0f th0se days.n 2daes ish 430 release.wth!!!!cant celebrate muaii bdae tuhh.intensive finish stil hab tuhh rush f0r muaii trainin.guess ii wil hab n0 m0re time f0r much revisi0n f0r dis h0lidae le.arghhh.s00 envy th0se ppl wh0 are n0rt takin nati0nal exam.ii wan g0 back tuhh dha past..t00 stress f0r mie tuhh carry 0n le.suck l0ls.went tuhh sent0sa 0n thurs.f0r dha 2on2 match.singap0re`n0 c0mment f0r them.kenna thrash by CZN`dunn0 wad's tt.hahas.b0th matches they sc0red 5-21 each.arghhh.看不下去l0ls.eeee!!!!tuhh b0ring le.mie n CHINYEE;CASSANDRA;TRUDIE went tuhhh b0rr0w v0lleyball fr0m a gr0up 0f guys.hahas.den we started playin,.hahas.finally can play le.h0w am ii supp0se tuhh live with0ut v0lleyball when ii am in sent0sa beach!!!c0rrect,VOLLEYBALLERS?hahas.ohhhs.ytd went tuhh watch prirates 0f dha carribean.mie cried.hahas.c0s ii;m scared 0f dha 0ct0pus head guy.he;s damn ugly.n tt leg kept m0vin.yucks.b0ught darling early present.0ne week earlier.hahas.he bought mie ch0c0late.finally.bleahs.fei zhu rmb mine arhs.
12:48 PM
finally f0und a suitable skin f0r mie le.but muaii bl0g ish stil under c0nstructi0n.humpf,tired.sittin rite in fr0nt 0f dha c0m f0r dha wh0le aftern00n le.damn tired.til now,haben bath yet.jus tuhh d0 muaii skin.arghhh.gettin fed-up wib bl0gs.HORRIBLE THINGYS.ohhhs ya.mie 0s0 change muaii s0ng.reallie very nice nice.new de w0rs.ytd jus sent dis s0ng tuhh junha0 n cliff0rd.alrite.g0nna end muaii entry til here.bath le l0ls.byee guys.bl0g 2ml.take care(:
5:14 PM
hmmm.tryin tuhh change muaii bl0gskin n0w.dunn0 y s0methingys wr0ng.0waes hab tt white white thingys.humpfs.n muaii bl0gskin ish damn kiddy.mush CHANGE!!hahas.cant g0 out tuhhdae.sad.actually g0nna bath de.but n0 0ne usin dha c0m.s00 ii used it.rite n0w.darling ish waitin f0r muaii call.s0rrie.ii'll try muaii best use fast fast de,dun w0rries(:trust mie bahs.cant believe tt we had g0ne thr0ugh 8m0nths1week de happiness n sadness le.arghhh,cant bear tuhh leave yew):muaii v0lleyball trainin camp ish ard in 2 weeks time.humpf.4th june tuhh 7th june.n ish heng arhs.jus end 0n muaii bdae.if n0rt ii g0nna cry 0ut l0ud.n we wil b realeasin in dha m0rnin 0n 7th june.hmmm.darling's bdae ish 0n 1st june.dunn0 wad tuhh buy f0r him ehs.can help mie tink 0f s0me ideas.muaii head ish crackin.i had been tinkin it f0r weeks,end up stil cant tink any.it s0 difficult tuhh buy f0r a guy present.g0nna get mad s00ner.tis c0min tues muaii class hab a outing tuhh dha NATIONAL STADIUM.omg.cant believe tt we are headin f0r an 0uting.th0ugh it wil b at least an air conditi0ned place.at least a sci centre.waste 0f time.if ii dun attend sch 0n tt dae.i wil b missing trainin n i dun wan.
2:52 PM
yea.jus came back h0me.s000 tired.jus n0w went tuhh yishun n0rthp0int.went tuhh watch m0vie.wild h0gs.preview f0r s0metimes.hahas.dan funny de sh0w.erm.dun reallie n0 wad tuhh bl0g f0r tuhhdae.tink 2ml den write in new entries.see ya(:
7:23 PM
ytd had muaii 2nd trainin wib dha sec 2.omg.it isnt tt bad.indeed it was FUN!!hahas.we laughed al0ts.n each 0f us have our 0wn nick name.they called mie AUNTY DADA.ohhs ya.ish everyone nick in fr0nt hab a aunty de h0h.ish n0rt i'm old en0ugh.bleahs.tired.yupps.c0ach din c0me.s0 we played friendly match again.had a tupid nick f0r muaii team*sia0 lian ge.hahas.qian wen larhs.tink 0f dis name.made mie laughed tuhh tears.l0ls.
jus n0w after sch went straight h0me tuhh get change.we habin our sp0rt heat tuhhdae at dha stadium.quickly went tuhh bath.reached there quite early.l0ls.at b0ut 2pm.they din even start wib dha 100m.humpf,made mie wait s0 l0ng.fianlly mr razif called f0r dha relay 100mx4.he marked our attendence.s000 damn anxi0us.in dha end he t0ld us tt dha gal n0 nd tuhh run.al 0f us wil g0 head tuhh dha final.0mg.ish neither fun n0r thril l0ls.humpfs.arghhh,waited til alm0st 6+pm den sae.thanks tuhh 5n3!!!they din c0me.yet den j0in,wth!!!waste muaii time r0t n swaetin 0ver there.damn it.den mie n darling went tuhh causeway p0int tuhh eat dinner.yea.he b0ught mie a l0llip0p keychain n fahrenheit de thingys,0mg,.they are indeed damn nice.s000 happie.thanks darling(:
10:31 PM

HELLOOO GUYS((:g0rt back 2 of muaii results le.din d0 well.
chinese:paper one:43/70
paper two:26/60
listenin c :16/20
oral :40/50
mie onli satisfy wib muaii oral marks.humpf.chiong chiong chiong f0r mie le.prelim g0nna start s00n le.arghhh.sec 4 lyfe ish much m0re stress den ii tink):sad.jus n0w after sch went tuhh causeway wib amirah;fann n gina.went tuhh dine in at pizza hut.omg.damn nice l0ls.cant resist it.bleahs.jus reached h0me n0rt l0ng ag0.muaii sis n0w ish snatchin c0m frm mie.humpf.wth!!!
6:11 PM
al ii can say n0w.ish ii'm tired tired n TIRED!!!hmpfs.b0th muaii legs r pain n0w,w0ke up at in early dha m0rnin.kenna w0ke up by CHERYL!!thanks y0u arhs.she was lik sooo excited.cant waited tuhh g0 escape theme park.she din went there bef0re.tt y.finally after 1hrs plus of j0unery.we reached.muaii wh0le family with0ut muaii dad.on 0ur way there.muaii mum ask mie gib mie darling a call tuhh ask him j0in us g0 there tuhhgather.but in dha end.0nli th0se wh0 hab tickets r all0w tuhh g0 in.siand.n0 ch0ice.mie let them g0 play.darling's mum n dad bring us g0 eat lunch ard there.after tt we went tuhh bugis tuhhgather.she b0ught f0r each 0f us.she sae ish f0r everythingys success de.hahas.i'm n0rt sure b0ut it.erm.den went tuhh pray pray.bleahs.cant believe bahs.darling went tuhh buy dha crystal f0r his mum.den we went tuhh dha cafe tuhh eat baked rice.0mg,ish lik s00 nice l0ls.den went tuhh buy earrings.he's owaes buyin tt.den went tuhh buy m0vie tickets!!!nice sh0w.mush watch tuhh`blades 0f gl0ry.dha ice skate de,hahas.made mie laughed lik mad.haa.but n0w ish stil preview.ii tink.wh0le dae was out.n n0w stil usin c0m.hahas.g0nna watch dha gh0st sh0w den slp.hahas.nites guys(:miss ya.muaCkiies
11:15 PM
din bl0g ytd.was 0ut dha whole aftern00n(:hahas.c0s exam 0ver le marhs.mush relax.hmmm.g0nna g0 out s00n le.g0in causeway tuhh meet darling eat dinner.0mg.dha disc tt i'm watchin n0w,ish damn nice.`tyok0 juliet.a sh0w tt yew mush n0rt miss(:everythingys seems tuhh went sm00thly.n ii'm j0inin dha dance gr0up tt muaii fren 0rganise.l00kin f0rward f0r tt.hahas.can learn hip h0p dance.n xuemin j0inin tuhh(:"caleb!!we g0nna start asap.c0s ii'm sooo ANXIOUS!!"hahas.but stil hab tuhh study abit everydae,even muaii exam jus ended.well...guess ii nd tuhh start preapring f0r muaii n's n0w.if n0rt g0nna b late.fr0m n0w 0n everythingys g00na b SMOOTH!!!!yeah*cheers
4:51 PM
din online dis few days.was habin exam.haa.guess m0st 0f dha sub able tuhh pass bahs.tired.jus came back h0me.hab muaii dnt at 1030.sh0 tuhhdae g0 sch late.can slp til late late.muaii exam finally finished le.sooo happie.phew.much m0re relief.jus n0w went tuhh marina square wib darling(:went tuhh eat sakae.eat abit jiu damn full le.damn went f0r p00l.nice nice.but in dha end.ii l0se al dha 8 match,haish,sad.but nvmd.g0rt s0methingys fr0m darling.hahas.thanks thanks.den we went tuhh catch a m0vie.m18 de ehs.heng din check.was soo scare at tt p0int 0f time.[28weeks]quite nice.n ish damn bloody.hahas.was tired on muaii way back.t00k cab at marsiling.n finally back h0me le(:n0 sch f0r 2ml.
10:34 PM
din really revise f0r muaii c0min exam tt ish on m0ndae.0mg.al dha imp0rtant exam r c0min n0w.haish.maths one n tw0;design n techn0l0gy;chemistry;physics blahblahblah.humpf.finish exam le.g0nna reward muaiiself le.tink g0nna plan g0 k-b0xin le.hahas.sing n0n st0p.was watchin hua ang sha0 nian sha0 nu last espis0de.omg.sooo sad n funny.laughed til mad.n alm0st cry.wuzun shuai dai le.hahas.g0nna start f0r mauii physics 2ml.c0mbine sci mush jiayous n muaii MATHS!!!A1!!!!start w0rk s00n.tired..zzz
10:36 PM

time f0r bl0ggin le(:finally ish a fri.n0 sch f0r 2ml.felt soo relief.jus had muaii chinese paper 2 n ge0 exam.arghhh.g0nna faint muaii c0mbine human.ytd nite study de.did n0rt c0me out.onli tt tupid GREEN REVOLUTION!!!humpf.2ml g0nna start d0in muaii revisi0n.wanna take a break jus f0r tuhhdae.haa!!!dis ish jus midyear.w0nder if ish n level.hahas.die by den.bleahs.ytd.studied dha wh0le aftern00n at library.saw vyn junha they al.they were they tuhh!!!*everythinygs was fine alreadi!sooo GALD!!![phew]ytd.thanks f0r teachin ge0.bleahs(:while ii was cookin jus n0w.ii burnt muaii fingers.s0mem0re ish 6 0f them.n0w habin slight blisters.damn pain.arghhh.ii wanna play VOLLEYBALL n0w.since last 2 weeks til n0rt.hab n0rt play.humpf.anyone wanna play?haa!!!
3:38 PM
was habin eng exam dis m0rnin.quite difficult.h0pe can manage tuhh pass.after paper.ii was relief.went back h0me wib shar0n;gina;fann!!!ish lik fann laughin n0n st0p.whahas(:aftern00n meet darling at causeway.he teach mie ss.wah.reallie learn al0ts tuhhdae.thanksthanks(:esp SBQ!!!!jus finished watchin hua yang sha0 nian sha0 nu.omg.wuzun damn shuai til cann0rt shuai le.bleahs.ya.2ml wil b habin chinese paper 1.d0 rmb tuhh bring ur dic arhs.jiayous f0r 2ml paper(:
9:58 PM
g0nna g0 out s00n le.meetin darling.pr0bably study den after tt g0 sh0p awhile.habin slight fever.c0s ytd studied til 1am.hahas.watchin tv tuhhh"scream 3"omg!ish damn scary l0ls.al0ne in dha living r00m.den lettin muaii imaginati0n g0es wild.hahas.oh ya.m0st likely.watchin spider three lata ard 4+pm.tink darling online b00kin bahs,s00 anxious.heard tt ish a three-h0ur.soo l0ng.erm.jus n0w was msgin caleb.was tinkin tt wanna create a dance f0r dha c0min teacher dae tt ish held dis yr in w00dlands pri.hahas.tinkin 0f j0inin c0mpetiti0n tuhh,.hahas.mie tinkin tuhh much le.but ii reallie wanna j0in.if can g0 p0ly.ii sure wanna j0in hip h0p dance.c00l men.cant believe bahs.whahas(:erm. ohhs ya.mie g0tta g0 bath already.c ya.might b bl0ggin lata in dha dae(:
12:45 PM