feel so tired.ytd slept at 1am.den woke upps at 6plus in dha mornin.almost faint in sch.den wil hab black-out.humpfs.finally a dae had gone.jus now after sch went back home take muaii folio.cos mr nasir sae tt ish dha due date.erm.took dha folio went back tuhh sch again.went tuhh meet patrick n darling tuhh eat lunch at dha coffeeshop opposite sch.we ate chicken rice.ish bout 230pm.went back tuhh sch tuhh rush folio.went tuhh library.do wib pat;haikal;waiyip;weiqiang;weixiong;weixiang.hahas.guai bahs.al doin work.hahas.den went for muaii workpiece le.arghh.hates.onli in dha mornin manage tuhh buff dha slidin acrylic.but it works.felt so happie(: dha base of dha drawer ish now halfway done.but heng arhs.tuhhdae ish nort dha due date.tink ish next 2 wks bahs.cant reallie recall wad's dha date.cos jus now dixuan told mie.was habin headache in dha evenin.dunno y feel so weak nowadays.humpfs.lik a torturement.after bloggin wil b goin tuhh bath n slp le.cant take it le.eyes closin soon(: nites guys
7:42 PM
ytd went back tuhh sch.guess wad?ii gort 1st for muaii discus.hahas.after tt went tuhh watch dha highjump thingys.omg.saw zhixiang n waiyao jumped.zhixiang came in 1st.hahas.he record ish 163cm ii guess.cant rmb ish 3 or 4.den ish gurl turn.onli 4ppl joined.onli hab jogina;gina;anina;diana.den mie saw tt lik very fun.so mie n fann went tuhh join in dha fun.jus tuhh participate n try for fun.hahas.but din realised tt ii gort 1st.hahas.lame of mie(: erm.muaii record ish 117cm nia.hahas.dun hab face le larhs.hahas.tuhhdae went back tuhh sch le.humpfs.muaii weight increased le.humpfs.ii oso grew one cm taller.hahas.finally.but ii dun wan le.dunno y.(:
10:12 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007Y
yea.muaii hand foot mouth had recovered le.i'm so happie,hahas.erm.dis weekend gonna b busy.fridae nite:xueli's bdae[probably celebrate]sat:goin tuhh kallang sport stadium watch s'pore vs australiasun:probably meetin darlingmon:youth dae.goin sentosa wib dha new b div.almost fully booked.haa.erm.ii cant wait tuhh go out.almost more den a wk din go shoppin le.had saved some money.hahas.now can spend le.ohhs ya.jus now went for a hair cut.nort tt bad.nothin seems tuhh change,except for muaii fringe.shorter den dha previous time.hahas.ii wan muaii red shade.tink gonna go bugis buy.77th st dun hab red de.ah bo dha red one nort nice.ii wan muaii haversack tuhh.0mg.after dha holidae muaii bag seems tuhh b heavier n heavier.humpfs.somethingys crop upps.gonna get goin.byees <33
11:56 AM
arghh.cant upload pics again.guess somethingys wrong wib muaii phone.humpfs.tink hab tuhh go for dha service.humpfs.guess ii cant use muaii phone for dha few daes.humpfs.asshole.tuhhdae nort goin c doc as muaii mum ish goin tuhh hospital tuhh visit muaii grandfather.wonder how's he doin now?hmmm.nth better tuhh do kept singin song in dha late mornin.hahas.wib lyrics at baidu.hahas.sing muaii fav canto song.hahas.but dun tink everyone noe wad does tt mean.hahas.wheras mie onli noe abit nia.hahas.2ml amirah can go sch le.feel happie for her.but hab tuhh wait for another dae den can.hope they wil extend muaii artefact de dateline for dha 3 of us.if nort we gonna die.ii dun wan dis happen tuhh mie.ii wan nice workpiece tuhh hand in.n graded at A2.n B3 for muaii paper work.humpfs.din reallie study dis few daes.dunno y.humpfs.hope everydae after sch there wil b remedial for us n ish everydae til late afternoon.if there's nite study better.go there sure hab teacher n fren tuhh teach de.ii dun wanna study at hm study.or rather go library study til 9pm.den hab muaii supper at mac after tt continue wib muaii revision.shiok arhs.lik dis type of lyfe where ii can study.with com ard.ii would b able tuhh concentrate le.humpfs.ass.ii wanna learn play dota.can anyone teach mie.lols.ii wanna learn.hahas.a gurl playin dota?hahas.guess hab bahs.but tink ish rare.n i'm dha rare gurl.blah blah blah.ii wan more homework tuhh push mie along xD ii craving for more homework.hmm.ohhs ya.jus rmb tt thurs hab tuhh bring $7.50..5bucks for muaii maths ass n $2.50 for muaii social studies ass.yeah.hab more ass le...ii wanna do more.hahas.but mush hab ans sheet larhs,ah bo how ii noe muaii ans correct nort.darling stil sleepin.din meet him for almost a wk le.sorrie dar.made yew so miserable.lata at 4pm he's habin exam.jiayous wors.hope he get good grade.reallie reallie wanna go back tuhh sch.cant wait tuhh c al muaii fren n classmates.guys ii miss yew badly!!!!!!!tink after bloggin wil head for muaii folio.stil hab alots tuhh catch up.10 more daes tuhh sport dae le.i'm so anxious.hahas.mie wil b runnin for muaii class wib our class tee.hahas.class tee hab muaii name on ehs.hahas.1st shirt tt hab muaii name on.wil b runnin 2events.4x100m relay4x400m relayfor dha 1st event mie wil b dha last runner n dha 2nd event wil b dha 3rd runner.actually wanted tuhh dha last runner.but scare pull dha whole class down,cant get 1st.i'm scare of dha 1st event tuhh.cos darling's sis,weilin wil b runnin.they al sae she run very fast,ii dunno ehs.now tinkin of it.muaii hart thump non stop.at tt time sure lots of ppl watchin de.al dha upper sec 4 n5 watchin.hahas.must nort lose.1st ish victory.n we mush get it.jiayous 4n7!!!we can do it.i'm so so excited now.how ii wish tt tuhhdae ish sport dae.(:
11:44 AM
finally ish muaii 100th post (:hmmm.a new beginnin for mie.hahas.2ml hab tuhh visit dha doc again.tuhh clarify whether ii can go sch on thurs.hope so.ii had missed one dae lesson.ii cant afford tuhh miss any.erm.if i'm goin back tuhh sch on thurs.ii hab tuhh stay back after sch,as patrick ish teachin mie al dha lesson tt ii had missed.thanks lots pat (: i gonna chiong le.wouldnt wanna waste ur affort.hahas.jus now was watchin campus superstar.owaes saw agnes n guohua at causeway.hahas.he's CUTE.cant deny tt.hahas.but tuhhdae his performance was nort tt gd.humpfs.feel sad for him.wonder who wil b go tuhhdae.2ml wanna take more pics.ii wanna upload.hahas.jus downloaded some songs.eh.quite nice.hahas.
9:45 PM
jeremy su buy for mie de.bdae present.thanks(:
beibei <33
town-ing 31may07
mie n kengyang.slackin during dnt intensive
林宇中!!!jovan n i-celebrate muaii 16thbdae(:
3:12 PM
i'm so boring.there's nth for mie tuhh do.humpfs.wonder wad sharon n amorah doin wors.hmmm.ii wanna get muaii mac breakfast asap.ii cravin for it.but there's no mac ard muaii place.yucks.touhua oso.hahas.ii wanna touch beibei.but they dun allow mie tuhh do so.arghhh.ii dun wan dis disease anymore le.although ish nort sufferin from any pain.but ii wanna do dha thingys tt ii wanna do.most probably dis comin sun wil b goin wib darling.ii wanna go marina square.shop til ii sae stop.hahas.cant anyone understand muaii feelin.ish lik a prisoners.cant go anywhere yew lik.being locked-up.humpfs.i'm finally 16 le.but stil hab go play pool yet.hahas.last time was cravin tuhh b 16.but now,hahas.there's nth ii can do.hahas.but one thingys for sure tt i'm 1/4 adult le.hahas.next ish muaii 18 bdae.wanna hab chalet or go club celebrate,hahas.ii wan tuhh go tuhh dha clinic.it looks fun,hahas,.but din manage tuhh get in.humpfs.cos i'm stil underage.so long alreadi.our dance gp haben even set up yet.hope it wil b smoothly.
i wanna eat sakae sushi xD
1:24 PM
finally use a suitable skin le.haa.feel so great.after changin it again n again.haa.gonna offline soon le.cos muaii sis wanna use dha com.humpfs.2l nort goin sch.so most probably mie lata wil b revising.l0ls.guai bahs.hahas.ii had oso changed muaii song le.nice song.mush listen wors.hahas.take care(:
7:37 PM
HAPPIE BELATED BDAE JEREMY CHEW!!!ps.after 2daes den wishes yew(:humpfs.i'm so boring.nth for mie tuhh do.cant even bake cookies.wth!!cant do anythingys.n muaii parent dun allow mie tuhh touch food wib bare hand.yucks,hate dis feelin.l0ls.i'm so envy those ppl who are out there shoppin,buyin thingys tt lik.arghhh.cant wait tuhh go out.al ii can do now ish tuhh tel muaiiself tt "jayda,jus bear wib 3more daes n yew are free from den."but ii'm habin sch onthurs til 215pm!!!yucks.wonder do ii stil hab tuhh go for trainin.hab ii step down yet?hmmm.ms lim din tel mie yet.so ii wasnt so sure bout it.hope ii hab step down le.cos ii wanna concentrate on muaii n's(: tryin tuhh b a GOOD student.haa.ii wanna change blogskin,cos it doesnt suit mie ): hahas.rite now lookin for one!!!!
4:26 PM
yupps.jus came back.went tuhh c doc.n i'm reallie down wib it.arghh.muaii mc wil b due on 27june.kian tee wil b helpin mie get muaii homework n richmond wil b teachin mie wib al dha lesson tt ii miss.hope he understand dha lesson..so tt it wil b easier for mie tuhh learn from him.yea.dinner gonna start le.hahas.muaii sis n dad treatin us eat pizza hut.call delievery(:omg.ii cant wait tuhh it.though i'm down wib HFMD!!!haa.heck care larhs.bleahs.mum ish cokkin spagetti now.hahas.wib hotdogs n mishroon.hahas.i'm so so hungry now.ii wan go pasar malam eat.l0ls.dha thingys over there.help mie buy can,can anyone please?did mine holidae work.ish almost done.yeah.guess dha 1st 3 daes unable tuhh go sch.so hab tuhh do muaii revision at home.n i'm preapred for it alreadi.chiong chiong chiong!!!!!kill dha books n dha knowledge.muhahas(:
6:05 PM
2it wasnt a successful camp tt ii had went.it ish on 20-22 june.t0t it w0uld b a successful n interestin camp.but it wasnt at al.humpfs.0n dha 1st dae.w0ke up at 530am tuhh get prepared.do went tuhh bath n packed al muaii stuffs in case ii miss anys.t00k bus tuhh sch wib muaii sis.br0ught damn l0ts thingys.br0ght 2bags n plus muaii f0li0.reached sch at b0ut 654am.haa.heng we are n0rt dha 1st tuhh reach.saw yv0nne n hannah.saw we chat wib them.was talkin craps.all b0ut NCC!!haa.so lame cca.hab tuhh wake upps very very early.tuhh d0 their drills n being t0rture by dha upper sec.finally everyone reached le.went tuhh check in.hahas.hab tuhh take 0ur matress n al th0se.blah blah blah thingys.ish 9am,went f0r muai dnt lesson.wasnt doin much thingys.as ii was n0rt feelin well.tink ish a slight fever bahs.c0s was there restin.cant take it.was damn damn nosiy over there so went tuhh dha hall tuhh watch them trainin.jiahe thanks f0r buyin mie breakfast.hahas.lunch was n0rt nice at al.l0ls.ish smth tt we al d0esnt lik at al.yucks.went back tuhh our room.hav tuhh do our target setting f0r next year.n ii was upp there doin presentation wib serene.hahas.hurt muaii hand while playin matches wib them.n i'm d0wn wib fever.onli 38degrees ms lim asked mie g0 h0me.humpfs.went h0me tuhh slp n take med.n i'm fully rec0vered.went back tuhh camp dha next dae.hahas.finally can spend muaii nite there le.so happie.went f0r dha fun activities.it was GREAT!made us laughed til mad.hab nites matches wib them plus s0me c0ach fren.mie was angry wib them.n ii kenna sc0ld by c0ach.f0r gibin them a face.ish lik wth.ii was pekcek l0ls.onli ii was dha 0ne runnin here n there.n0 0ne b0ther tuhh run f0r dha ball.ii was lik SUPERMAN.flyin here n there.injured ): finally ish bathin time le.so relaxin.hahas.dinner time le.habin dinner at 11pm.hahas.tink ish supper alreadi.hahas.somethingys happen ):jus found out tt there's smth on muaii hand tt irriated mie.so ii went tuhh looked upp for ms lim.she suspect mie habin HAND FOOD MOUTH DISEASE!!omg x( ii was lik so damn damn panic.din n0e wad tuhh d0.arghh.shit ass.thingys g0es wrong f0r mie.wth!!!!!!was being asked tuhh go home.saddist mie.cant even spend a nite there.went tuhh marsiling mrt there tuhh c doc.he suspect onli.so mush go back 2ml tuhh confirm.hope ish n0rt.now muaii mouth hab l0ts of ULCERS!!!ouch,ish pain de l0ls.s0mem0re 0ne 0f it ish under muaii tongue,hurt alots.mush drink m0re water.l0ls.sharon take good care of urself.ii n0e h0w it feel lik.i'm 0ne of dha victim too!!!好了we go hab a FEAST!!!!hahas.miss ya(:
9:31 PM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007Y
s0rrie gurls xDwas being sent back h0me.c0s habin fever.l0ls.sad.if 2ml i'm okies le jiu can g0 back camp le.was s0 excited c0s they are ch00sin captain tuhhdae.faster tel mie.c0s ii wanna n0e.bleahs.haa.h0pe ii can get well s00n.l00kin f0rward tuhh dha match 2ml.hahas.erm.wanna watch tv le larhs.hahas.cant c0ncentrate bl0ggin.byees.
8:10 PM
jus n0w in dha afternoon bef0re goin f0r muaii intensive.went tuhh causeway tuhh eat lunch wib darling.went tuhh eat pasta again.hahas.damn damn nice.l0ls.hahas.mie 0rdered creamy chicken.bleahs,same again?been eatin dha same thingys f0r ages.hahas.cant blame mie f0r tt.c0s ish delicious.l0ls.after tt went tuhh take bus tuhh sch.tuhhdae intensive wasnt tt boring.weeloon helped mie wib muaii w0rk.thanks thanks lots.if dun hab ur help dunn0 if ii stil can continue wib muaii artefact n0rt.left 10daes bef0re both of them are due.arghh.2ml wil b muaii camp le.tt means ii would b bl0ggin f0r these few daes le.sorrie guys>.<>wil b goin f0r muaii intensive during 0ne 0f muaii campdaes.
5:13 PM
haa.muaii 3rd p0st 0f dha dae le.n0thin better tuhh d0.hahas.hand feel kinda itchy.wanna use dha keyb0ard.bleahs.campus superstar g0in release le.s0 damn anxious.w0nder wh0 wil 0ut tuhhdae.felt dha javin quite hands0me.manly l00king.ahahas.benjamin t00.cute cute de.l0ls.actually was plannin tuhh g0 0ut wib joshua n chinyee de.but dun tink s0 le.dis h0lidae din hab much time f0r muaii self.n0rt even fren.s0rrie guys(:but i'll pr0mish dha gurls tt ii wil find 0ne dae g0 wild wild wet tuhhgather."we have season in dha sun"hahas.n muaii sent0sa trip again.yew n0e?beach v0lleyball?yeap.ii'm so so anxious.lookin f0rward tuhh it.g0nna get muaii slp le.2ml stil hab muaii intensive 0n(:nites peeps
10:49 PM
jus n0w went tuhh kfc tuhh eat muaii dinner wib darling.hahas.eat again.bleahs.ate finished le.went tuhh play swing.childh00d mem0riies.hahas.den we sang 空秋千.hahas.tt's lame(:but we played til very happie.but g0rt 0ne tik0 runined us!!kept seeing mie.yucks.s0 tik0.den we went tuhh play dha excerise de equiment.hahas.plaed awhile jiu g0 h0me le.c0s ii'm tired.blah blah blah.nth better f0r mie tuhh d0.went tuhh change muaii skins.hahas.changed a few skins.finally f0und a suitable 0ne.hahas.stil under c0nstructi0n.hahas.lazy.c0s wanna watch campus superstar.byee.
8:22 PM
jus reached h0me.tired.actually wanted tuhh attend dha m0rnin sessi0n.but in dha end when ii w0ke up.realised ish 11.30am le.haha.dha sessi0n wil end at 12pm.no choice hab tuhh g0 dha afternoon.humpfs.accidentally hammered muaii thumb.ouch!!hurt damn much.no hart tuhh d0 le.c0s muaii st0mach gr0anin n thumb was pain.keng yang n juin jye acc mie g0 outsid de c0ffeeshop tuhh eat lunch.0rdered black carr0t cake.yummy.but stil felt s0 hungry after eatin.hahas.went tuhh dha mama sh0p tuhh buy tibits.den went back tuhh w0rksh0p again tuhh c0ntinue wib muaii w0rk.dis time ish dha plyw00d cut muaii dha 0ther hand.n it was bleedin.disatr0us dae!!!n dha teacher din even help mie cut dha w0rkpiece.as mie wait n wait.s0 ii waited.in dha end ish 4pm le.they hab tuhh cl0se dha w0rksh0p.ish lik wth.if they dun help mie cut.ii cant c0ntinue wib muaii artefact le.n hab tuhh tel yew dis.muaii dateline f0r dha f0li0 n artefact ish 0n dha same dae.0mg!!!next fri ish dha dateline alreadi.dun reallie hab dha m00d tuhh d0.b0ring.
5:05 PM
HELLO GUYS (:i'm s0 s0 tired.jus came back h0me n0rt l0ng.RAWR!!!meet up wib gina jus n0w f0r dha sake 0f d0in muaii dnt f0li0..she was late!!!while waitin f0r her.mie went tuhh p0pular tuhh buy muaii markers.s0 damn nice.haahas.after meetin her went tuhh hab lunch at kfc.0rdered dha cheese.cant resist it fr0m eatin dha wh0le b0wl 0f it.hhahas.den went tuhh walked ard.b0ught pins n hairband.RAINBOW!bleahs.wanted tuhh buty cl0thes de.but din seems tuhh get clink wib any.hahas.g0sh.we sh0pped damn long le.decided tuhh d0 0ur f0li0.hahas.din manage tuhh d0 much.jus did s0me drawin.dun tink tt muaii f0li0 ish nice at al.arghh.s0 hard f0r mie tuhh d0.darling unable tuhh meet mie tuhhdae.saddist.c0s he went 0ut wib his family.his mum invited mie.but ii din g0.s0 ps l0ls.he lik 0utsider.den din f0ll0w.s0rrie.h0pe yew dun mind w0rs.erm.dis time din sae bad thingys b0ut yew le bahs.hahas.everytime sae de mie l0ls.g0nna get s0me rest le.as 2ml ii wil c0ntinue habin muaii intensive.s0b.nites guy.miss ya (:baobao Ybeibei
10:00 PM
hell0 peeps (:din manage tuhh p0st ytd.ps ps.was damn damn tired.w0ke up early in dha m0rnin f0r muaii intensive.dnt again???did muaii f0li0 which berry jus t0ld mie tt we had tuhh add in a page 0f "material list"ish lik wad dha..dun reallie n0e wad's tt.s0 ii c0pied his.haa.but din changed all muaii dimensi0ns n materials thingys.after finished d0in.felt s0 s0 hungry.actaully was supp0sed tuhh g0 f0r lunch wib kian tee.ended up.mie lik ps him.l0ls.ps arhs.was talkin tuhh kengyang juinjye zi chang sharon.was fun g0ssipin b0ut dha principal.hahas.was in dha dnt teacher "office"but with0ut airc0n 0ffice.hahas.was slackin 0ver there.finally ish 12pm.was s0 happie. went tuhh causeway wib gina sharon amirah jiayuan darling xD went tuhh ate pastamania.sob sob.it c0st mie an0ther 10bucks f0r muaii meal.arghhh.br0ke le.ate finished le.mie quickly went back h0me tuhh bathe n get muaii sh0ebag.c0s there wib b nite match in sch.n they asked mie back.so gald.hahas.erm.den darling n i t00k train tuhh his sch nan yang p0ly tuhh take his lapt0p.s0 envy.l0ls.ii wish ii hab 0ne t00.but...hab tuhh WAIT!!!!finally ish 6plus le.went tuhh played mathes wib sajc[st andrew jc]we din managed tuhh win a set.but indeed we had fun.ii was playin centre all dha while.l0ls.tired.played til 930.
mie t00k a bus tuhh alameen tuhh hab muaii SUPPER.was faminished ): ordered mee g0reng n mil0 din0saur.hahas.nice drink.ard 11pm reached h0me.g0nna w0rn out.haa.
had muaii camp schedule.it ish held 0n 20-22june.hab tuhh check in at 7am.g0sh!!!g0nna wake upp early.haben even pack muaii bag.rushin f0r mie.wil b hahin intensive 0n 0ne 0f dha camp days t00.guess ii wil hab tuhh skip s0me 0f muaii trainin.ps gurls. ii wan t0 eat STEAMBOAT xD
2:44 PM
yea.jus n0w after trainin went tuhh pizza hut tuhh hab muaii dinner wib muaii sis;qian wen;wee teng;kethyln.hahas.we 0rdered til 50bucks.hahas.cant believe bahs.bleahs.trainin was n0rmal jus n0w.cant believe tt muaii spike receive indeed impr0ve damn l0ts.fr0m last time.2ml n0rt g0in f0r trainin.as ii stil habin muaii intensive.arghhh.g0nna dateline s00n le.n ii habin pr0b wib it.siand.luckily jus n0w b00n help mie.if n0rt ii g0in sh0ut 0ut l0ud.hahas.thanks thanks arhs(:quarralled wib darling f0r 2 days le.humpf,dun talk b0ut him le.it made mie upset.erm.ii wanna buy FAHRENHEIT thingys xD dha keychain
9:20 PM
was damn damn angry jus n0w when ii was habin muaii trainin.irritatin.wth.tink 0ne 0f dha sec 2 w0rse den sec 1.c0s she dun even n0e where she supp0se tuhh stand.ish lik wth.learn v0lleyball s0 l0ng le.stil dun even n0e where.nvmd.den went wen nd tuhh spike receive.0ur spiker ish kethyln.ii wanted tuhh tel her tt she spiked wr0ng.in dha end kenna sc0ld by c0ach.ish lik wanted tuhh teach her.end up ii g0rt a sc0ldin.assh0le.fuck upps l0ls.hates.den jus after trainin went tuhh dha basketball c0urt wib darling.c0s he meetin willard play bb.ii went there tuhh sh00t a few balls.den yi xuan came.dunn0 y he was at there.dha ball he sh00t when directly intuhh mie.n hitted muaii head.wad dha fuck.ish lik wad happened tuhhdae.ish makin mie upsid d0wn.n0 m00d tuhh bl0g.arghhh.btw serene thanks f0r dha present(:
9:15 PM
erm erm.ytd went 0ut wib darling in dha aftern00n.actually wanted tuhh study de.but ii suddenly wanna watch m0vie.hahas.s0rrie dardar((:after tt went tuhh 339 meet calvin n jeremy.but he was late.he msg mie n tell mie tt he jus w0ke up.dia0!!!yew dis PIGGGGG[:!!!haish.sky ish n0rt 0n 0ur side.s0 we ran tuhh dha bl0ck besid 338 tuhh shelter n mie started playin v0lleyball wib dardar.hahas.din tie hair.after a few mins jiu wet wet le.bleahs.dha rain finally st0pped le.went tuhh 325 wib dardar;calvin;haiming;zam;zam'gf there tuhh hab 0ur dinner.ish jeremy ji0 de.in dha end he LATE!!!HATE yew larhs.talk craps wib them n he t0ld mie b0ut wad happen wib muaii fren[n0rt fang bian tuhh write]
t0 jeremy:aniwae.jeremy tt dun tink s0 much.pr0bably thingys may change(:okies.
jus n0w went tuhh NUH wib muaii family.c0s muaii sis cheryl nd tuhh g0 there f0r back therapy.hahas.waited there s0 l0ng.f0r b0ut 3h0urs ehs.wasted muaii time.den went bugis wib her 0nli.c0s dha rest tink tt damn far.b0ught a red sh0e;林宇中disc;blue funky liner.hahas.finally hab his disc le.guys.hab tuhh tel yew dis.his s0ng ish damn damn nice,mush listen.den we went tuhh far east.din manage tuhh get a single thingys fr0m there.saw a dress.it l00ks pretty nice.g0nna get it.pr0bably dis c0min wed.c0s ish mie n dardar de 9th m0nths aniiversary(: shun bian g0 sh0p sh0p l0ls.erm.tink it c0sts 40bucks.either ish either 10% or 20%.dardar ish helpin mie pay 10bucks.hahas.thanks thankstt dress 0s0 can pei muaii sh0e tt ii b0ught it tuhhdae.2ml habin trainin le.g0in f0r intensive den g0 f0r trainin at 4pm(:bl0gg 2ml.nites guys<33
10:52 PM
tired.dunn0 y tuhhdae wake up s0 damn early.lata pr0bably g0in study at causeway den in dha evenin meetin calvin n jeremy play basketball at 339.damn l0ng l0ng din play le.ahahs.dun care larhs.mush hab fun ah b0 waste muaii june h0lidae,hahas.ii g0rt dha w0uld yew b there de full s0ng in muaii c0m le.hahas.al thanks tuhh muaii tupid damn ph0ne cant even upl0ad thingys in muaii c0m,dunno wad happened.erm.erm.ytd muaii aunties n uncle came.they came n celebrate muaii bdae.but ish belated larhs.hahas.they b0ught a ch0c0 cake n even gave muaii angba0.hahas.i'm rich.okies okies lahrs.erm they gave mie 40bucks.n muaii parent gave mie 50.ii can buy dha thingys tt ii wan le.waitin f0r muaii teammate tuhh save m0ney.n we can g0 bugis buy 0ur haversack f0r dis c0min trainin camp le(:dunn0 whether sh0uld ii g0 sch f0r muaii dnt marhs.ish lik dha wh0le june h0lidae we are habin dnt intensive.l0ls.jus updated muaii wish list.hahas.last time th0se thingys tt ii wan ish tt wantin.hahas.s0 changed.hahas.
11:04 AM
haa.ytd went 0ut tuhh meet wee teng;qian wen n darling at dha basketball c0urt 0pp w00dlands pri.went there tuhh played basketball n v0lleyball..hahas.we played til damn fun.played match but we l0se.humpf.tink ish t00 l0ng din play le bahs.den ard 5pm we walked tuhh darling's hse tuhh play mahj0ng.luckily din play m0ney.if n0rt ii sure l0se damn l0ts,erm.ard 630pm we leave le.c0s wee teng n qian wen wanna g0 sch j0in shar0n they al f0r wad nite trainin.dunn9 wad's tt.mie n muaii sis went admiralty take tuhh buy thingys.actually mie wantin tuhh buy 林宇中 disc de.but...haish.they dun sell.wth!!!den acc muaii sis buy BIG b0ttle f0r trainin.trainin camp c0min le.arghhh.but fr0m 9-4pm ii habin dnt intensive.s0 dun tink ii wil b g0in f0r dha m0rnin n aftern00n trainin.if possible tink m0st likely ish nite trainin[set game(:]gonna g0 bath s00n le.c0s muaii aunties n uncle wil b c0min 0ver f0r dinner.bye(:
4:18 PM
finally can use dha c0m le.hahas.past few days damn busy.wib muaii intensive n trainin.ytd was jayda's bdae[mine(:]i'm offically 16 le.hahas.s0 happie.was busy dha wh0le dae.in dha m0rnin was habin intensive dnt den in dha aftern00n was habin trainin.finally in dha nites ii was at mediac0rp n watchin 音乐格斗场.ish was damn damn funny.hab muaii fav singer 0ver there t00.林宇中&迷路兵.hahas.al s0 shuai.hahas.went there wib darling;weilin;ma0 quan n mervyn(:mie lik crazy l0ls.kept habin tupid imaginary.hahas.i'm s0 s0 CRAZY!!!!"c0s ii LOVE it."i'm s0 s0 tired n0w.but later meetin qian wen they al playin v0lleyball.hahas.dha freak0.bleahs.jiayous f0r muaii skills.c0s ii n0e ii can make it.muaii STUDIES t00!!!!cheers.l0ve y0u gurls damn much.thanks f0r dha happie bdae s0ng during recess n after trainin.was s0 happie.n dha[winnie dha p00h]15TOWELS.dha sec 4 n 5 was supp0rtive en0ghu i'm sure.hahas.erm jeremy thanks f0r ur present.hahas.wrap til s0 damn nice,hahas.WINNIE DHA POOH!!n al dha msg fr0m al muaii fren(: i'm s0 lucky tuhh hab yew guys.n ii cant believe tt xiang jie msg mie.haa.
1:11 PM
haa.b0ut tuhh g0 0ut s00n le.g0in tuh watch dha campus superstar thingys.but mie g0in bishan 1st sh0ppin wib darling.he wanna da his ear.agrhh.ii 0s0 wanna da.but cant.later teacher any say again.fuck dha muaii teacher l0ls.anyh0w sae b0ut mie.luckily her tt ii din insult her back.if n0rt.she die.HATEs in HER!!!ii wil pr0ve her wr0ng tt ii wil n0rt g0 ite!!!ii wil g0 p0ly f0r muaii sake n n0rt bc0s 0f any0ne!!!
3:39 PM
HATEs.unable tuhh upl0ad pics.n0rt even dha cable n bluet00th,humpf,ytd hab intensive alm0st dha wh0le dae.made mie damn tired.dnt dnt!!!!!yucks.makes muaii w0rld g0es r0und n round.went tuhh darling's h0use at 5+pm wib richm0nd they al.his mum cater f00d.ask us g0 there eat.ish his bdae tuhhdae.hahas.went mahj0ngin n p0ker.played wib them.n ii am dha l0ser.humpf.ii g0nna win yew al dha next time.went h0me quite early as ii'm damn damn tired.ii alm0st fall aslp.l0ls.darling gave mie his new urban males.c0s he cant wear le.but ish s0 s0 new n nice.hahas.ish lik a new piece.hahas.g0nna wear it tuhh dha next sent0sa trip.aniiwae.
2:41 PM