Tuesday, October 23, 2007Y

was so damn F.
early morning TAN BING LIN msg-ed mie.
i was slpin lols.
hates.made mie cant slp back.
hse was damn damn NOISY.
upstairs was hammering th FLOOR?
used th com awhile.
headed to admiralty to meet th seller.
but in th end.din meetup.
cos i dun hab her num.
slack at mac with bing lin,junhao & junyong.
went to sch.they acc mie [:
so steady.
crapped in th bus.
training time.
was competely sucks for th first half an hour luhs.
was doing th tiring foot drills.
did it again & again.
was instructed for a 5 mins free spike.
i thunder th ball & coach said was a c div net.
purposely de.
dun wanna sae mie gd.humpfs.
nvmd luhs.
last 20 mins for th training was habin match.
i earned quite a num of point.
buu yao xiiao kan wo hohs.
i gort mine strength.hahas [:
okies.i'm goin to slp now.
as tmr i'm working in th morning & afternoon.
do wish mie gd luck so tt i can sit instead of standing (:
10:19 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007Y

all this pic took during ying's chalet.but lazy to upload.
hhas.been months le wors.
all of th pics mie look so so retard.esp th third pic.hahas.
let's talk bout ytd & todae bahs.kekes,though ish over
but i'm so anxious to share with yew guys.
geo paper.still okies okies larhs.
maths paper one.can rate difficult.
cos i do pass year paper.i find it tt tis ish harder den th rest.
but still i can manage.hahas (:
todae physics was quite easy.some of th qns
i did it in our prelim & pass year paper.
but sadly to sae tt chemistry ish HARD!!!
onli no how to do abit.
overall most likely i'm able to pass my COMBINE SCI ((:
wee,2ml second last paper le.yippe.
ohhs ya.jiahe thanks for lending mie your calculator (:
made yew so early mush go sch le )':
2ml paper start at TWO!!!means tt i can have more rest.
zzz :D
i'm tired now.gonna get some rest.
1:09 PM