Thursday, January 29, 2009Y
Catch up with alexTAN yesterday night, (:Well, can say that we were like super high. Keep crapping non stop. Have not meet likefor like about four months alr. /: my fault.HAHAS, i'm always not free. Headed tostarbucks for mocha iced-blend & oreocheesecake. :D Yummyyyy! Watched love matter.At 9pm. Hahas. & we took th front side. is likeOMGGGGGGG. Super front laas.Was superb funnyyyyy laas :D We laughed tillsuper loud. & i was like hitting him. is alr 7.14am. guess i'm suffering from insomia. i'm awake from 5am till now. Can't really sleep properly. guess i know why.going back to sleep later on. hoping that i couldsleep all th way till evening. (:
7:09 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009Y
1:27 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009Y
Worked at great world was quite fun (: Chatted alot with
and angel. && fox and animals' peep ;D
bought a pair of
Dorothy Perkins flat and animals
short. (: after months' finally got to take
my pay alr. Was much more than what i expected. :D
Meet up with J after work at tiong bahru.
Cabbed down. thanks
boy, Had mac for supper. Was superb
Around 1140pm took train back home and he sent
me till down step.
thou he stay r away from me.
Which is telong blangka { idk how to spell /: }
Really appreciate it. x3s
Reached home at 1am, & he cabbed home.
was at home th whole day. kinda boreddddd /: have th urge to busk under th sun. like sun-tanning and beach volleyball, (: had dinner like hours ago. someoneeeeee, i need chocolates pleaseeee, :x i'm dying without it. a dozen of it shall be alright for me :D Played ds here & there. i want more new gamesss, like Sally's salon, but i'm unable to download it. Arghhhh, stupid webby. Out of th sudden. i missed my secondary school life. Especially my girls. Was busy after sec life. Study, attachment & work. Sorryyyyy, (: Shall meet up some days. Remember when we were out for match during school hours. We tend to leave earlier than we're expected to. :D Enjoying ourselves during recess and in bus. Sang songs together, fought so badly in order to win th match, trainings under jiaolian. & we determined till th end. tears and laughter's we had together. All these memories shall not be forgotten.
dig,set.spike are what we learnt as a team,
12:16 PM
Friday, January 23, 2009Y
Alrights, yesterday night chatted with J, (: for about an hour plus. he's sick today,hope he's alright ;D i misses him.Hahas, and i know only this coming fridayonly able to meet him /:
12:51 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009Y

idk what's wrong with me, i almost faint twice today.
Really faint /: Was perspiring alot. Once at bugis,
th other one was in th train at novena, Wanted to
cab home. but th q was freaking longggggg, :x
Called ahtann to chat awhile. ((((: Chat quite alot.
Still considering should he join th coming april intake.
i hope so. & we can be classmates again. though
bb separated alr. will be working tmr. requested to
start at 2pm till closing. & sat at great world city.
11:08 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009Y

Meetup with Vincent today. Headed to Simei ite. Intend to appeal for course as we missed th previous intake. (: kel came to find us over there. Had dinner :D vincent's treat. Chatted with missYUEN & missCHOONG, :D kinda miss them uhs, Headed back with berry, fell aslp in bus. Hahs, will be working at great world tmr, Phoned with J just now. Misses <3s>
11:18 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009Y
i missed him, /: idk why. huiqi knowwe should be strong. don't let themlook down on us.this coming valentine will be lonely one.No one to celebrate with. will be working in store. So, let work forget about him & th thingi do, i'm having slight fever too,Roar, :x ohs god. let JAYDA to be happy,pretty pleaseeeee.
1:22 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009Y

Work at greatworld was quite fun. Chatted with wahidah superb loads. Had express pepper lunch (: Yummy. & is salmon again!!! (: well, this time round did not add cheese alrights? (: ATV was superb good! :D 70plus. today is my off day. finally. Hahas. might be going for movie later on with bambang. he requested for it. :D tired. tell you a guys a superb lame thing. this is what jacky told me. "do you know what's th meaning of colourlessrainbow. means th rainbow is dirty. that why is black & white -.- suddenly it rain heavily. th rainbow is being clean. so it become 7 colours.!" { my english superb lousy. seems to be direct translantion (; } hit him if you want to. not me uhs. :D Finally i cut my fringe alrrrrrrrrr, :x & it's nice?
12:57 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009Y
Awwwwww~ dydy GHOST!!!!!!
dada & dydy

ah kiah & dada
Proudly presenting imm body shop peepos :D
Had been working for th past four days. tired & fun. hahas.Especially working in th atrium. With so much people.
Shout like no one business. (: Hahaas. Well, was super cool.
Last two days, called wendyy for work. In th end, i was late. Arghhhh. (:
Kenna shoot by her. Well, that's her PATTERN :D
"Wendyy, i'm not so-called bhb for pretty, is super pretty" (:
Hahahas. don't get jealous. blah :D
Finished work at 9pm yesterday. Waited for her to serve her customer.
super long uhs. went to S&K for chat with qianling and bambang.
Hahas. Had andersen ice cream. Awwwwww, niceeeeeeee!
Will be working today again. th fifth day, today at cck. 6-10pm.
tmr at greatworldcity from 2-8pm. wed off. start
work on thurs all th way to sun. Super duper rich on feb. :D
12:35 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009Y

Had been working for th past three days.Had quite fun from TBS at atrium.
Thanks guy for brightening up my days.
Esp Gladys my baby (: , Noelle & rachael.
& every every ones.
atrium was super tiring yet fun.
able to hit target too. I wanna work more.
Hahahs, & pay will be more too.
Saw junchi. he's working at IP Zone imm for three weeks.
&& thanks calvin & wilson. They're super good.
Came all th way from woodlands & yishun.
xuemin, kinwai & bambang was around me too. 24 hours standby,
huiqi thanks for th concern too.
(: Really felt so great to have you guy by my side.
Spent quite alot for these few days.
bought cardi for work. th lastest eye gel & detox drink.
Probably there's lot more. but i can't remember what i got.
I have gotten my uniform alr, will be wearing on thurs.
Well, sis will be going to College East later on for her interview.
Will be accompanying her. Cause she doesn't know how to go. -.-
12:28 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009Y
i'm friggin' hungry, ROARRRRRRRR. /:Can anyone get my food? it's making my stomach groaning.
1:48 PM
Well, is th second day of 2009. (: Happy new year guys! <3sHad been working for th past two days. including today.
Was rather busy i guess. Hahas.
Finally is my off day. i mean tmr.
Which mean i can slp till afternoon. than i shall have my show.
Had break with ah kiah today. Talked quite lot of things.
End work 8pm. Had dinner with bambang.
He requested for it. & i'm not in a rush.
So did not turn him down. Had burger king. Sundae Pie <3s
Niceeeeeee. & delicioussss.
Hahs, th pics was taken on 26dec. That was th day we had supper at swensens
(: Reached home at around 320am.
Had pooled after th gift exchanged.
My facial wash gonna finish. Arghhhhhh.
I'm still waiting for my pay.
It will delay for a MONTHH!!!!!!
Around 23jan than i'm able to get.
& i'm super duper broke now! /: Probably by feb than
i'll be able to get my facial wash. Cause SP -.-
i have come out with a new year resolutions. (:
hoping that i'm able to fulfill it. (:
11:04 PM