He's JIEHAO {: th second last pic was taken 2 years ago.2 years down th road & we're changing so fast.
Wondering 10 years later? What will we be like?
hmmm, don't know. HAHA. Later will be going to simei ite
for volleyball training with sis. Confirmed with ivan alr. HAHA.
Thanks dude for checking out for me. Troubled you. /:
Her training will start from 5-7pm.
Roar :x Kelvin is going for ns next tuesday. i'm gonna miss him
like hell freak. ObamaYourMama's daddy! HAHA.
I'm going to text everyone out!!!!! :x before he gets BOTAK!
1:32 PM
When you truly love some one. You will keep having silly thoughts.No doubt, i believed this phrase. Yes, i keep having this kind of mind set. Sorry, if i gave you troubles.. I'm still waiting for yourmessages. things might changed our fate. Friday night after work at greatworld. Had supper with TBS people.Ate till 130am. Ivy came by too. She gave me a blusher & eyeshadow.Thanks for for helping out at greatworld for these few months.WELCOMEEEEE {: Today is my off day. & there's drilling under my block -.-WTHHHHH ~ Felt so irritated. From 8am till now. Later going out with sis. don't know go where. Mostprobably going gym, have to burn all my fats. Flu & bad coughhave been surrounded me. /: I feel like going peninsularbuy jacket. & buy 3/4 white & black pants. Shopping spree makes my worries goes away.Edited / {:did not went gym with sister. Instead of burning fats.We were to Marina Square for shopping. {: dinner was on me. Had pizza hut. " don't always sayi did not treat you hoh! " HAHA. bought mango top.AGAIN?! nope. this time i bought a white top. With sleeve. She bought a bagpack from newurbanmales.$129 with a discount of 20%. Omgggg~ that superb ex.HAHA. No comment. th sales ambassador was superb good! {: He ask if we're sister. & he said sis was older thanme... & we're 10years apart. HAHA! i felt so young laaas!Headed back to woodlands around 10pm. Guess who i saw at bus interchange? GANJIEHAO (: Superb happy.Was chatting all th way, Have not have a good chat withhim since last two years alr. :x " My scent still th same! "HAHA.JAYDAAAAA, can please stop all th crying. is damn annoying.i know you're trying to be a good girlf, somehow you just keep moving on to th wrong way. Can you stop being over sensitive? He said he's trying alr. i don't know.i enjoyed loving you, spending every seconds with you.i'm so in-loved in you that i love you more than myself. thinkingof you almost th whole day. wondering what are you doing.taken your meal. busy doing stuff. & thing and that.I'm all about you. Is it my fault for loving you that much?i don't know. /: i'm struggling too. but i just don't want to let go.Cause i know, once i were to let go of you. there's no way for me to turn back. listen to tears shielding, heart breaking,& you will understand how much i love baby. Words are unableto describe my feelings toward him. All i know he's th one i want to spend with. Really hope he won't be fierce towards me. hoax me.i know baby won't do that to me. i must understand that. I know is my fault, don't know when to hold back and to let you.Probably you're right. I'm not a good girlf. demand this & that.dui bu qi. { /:day64 with you by my side.
1:53 PM
Alrights, worked th whole day. /: damn damn tired. :xContinuously working for two full shifts with HEELS! :{ Will be working full tmr too. :x At greatworld. Right! All not working. -.- Julian, wahidah & angel. /: Sorry guys, won't be joining for mad jack. Anyways, happy two months baby. {:
1:14 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009Y
Baby's mood isn't bad. /: He had been working for more than 42hours. Did not sleep th whole day. At least he came to my store. {:Last day working with patricia too. Really enjoyed my half a yearworking with her :D Nothing much today. Flu was bad /: Sneezed nonstop. Roar!!!! :x Will be working tmr, 11-2pm. Friday night will be havingsupper with workmates. Looking forward for baby's good night kiss {:
12:12 AM
Seriously i'm down with a flu /: Could hardly breathe & head is dizzy.Roar :x Hate this feeling. it felt so yucks. Woke up early in th morning by kiantee's call. -.- 8am in th morning. idiot! Requested for mahjong'ssession at his house. Promised him later on. 815am called baby to wake up for his work. Baby last day working at imm. /: i felt rather
& disappointed. Could not see him anymore while i'm
Could not have break together. Time with him will be
lesser. :x
he will be working at tampines S&K till Sunday. Monday
will be at bugis. Stupid things had become flowing through
my mind.
Scare he know girls out there & blah blah blah etc.
don't know when
is his off day. Really wish that whenever i open my eyes
from my sleep.
he's th one besides, greeting me morning. Even a good
nights too.
With a good night kiss. twice i had from me {: he just
called me 15mins
ago. felt relived after hearing his voice. just don't know
Probably he's my motivation. he told me that hugging
stitch is as good
as hugging him. but i don't think so. there's isn't any
warmth from stitch! /:
Heard from baby that he caught me another stitch. thanks darling. ♥
this is th third present i have received from you within
this month.
i love all threes! but th one i ♥ th most is you & th
first one. For th first one
i choose is because is my first ever present I'd gotten
from you. Hope you
enjoy your last day working at imm. { is th place
where i get to know you,
memories of us over there won't be forgotten (: }
10:21 PM

Firstly, Happy 18th birthday to my beloved baobei, XUEMIN (: finally she's 18 alr. Alrights. Worked at greatworld yesterday. 5-930pm. After work quickly took train back with gary. Alighted at jurong east. Went to fetch baby from work. baby's friend, kelvin went hilltop together with us. he came by to fetch us up there. Paiseh. lead th wrong way. Hahas. :D Reached there around 1120pm. Still have time to countdown with her. HAHA!! was drinking superb fast. HAHA. Sang songs for baby to listen, including his favourite song. {: Was superb HIGH laaa. Keep disturbing everyone. Play finger-guessing with baby. HAHA!! I won him two matches. Clever hoh? :D drank till 2am. kelvin sent iko and shin back home. after me, baby, kelvin and yuyun went for supper at woodgrove alameen. HAHA! Crapped alot. Reached home at 340am. Anyways, baby got me a new stitch. Was like hugging it all th way for th whole night. thanks, i love you.
11:25 PM

th above stitch is bought/win by baby :O Cuteeeee hoh? Officially belonged to him.Finally, he finished his reservist. kelian. guess he's superb shag.
Rest well my dear alrights? Now at xuemin's house. Playing games.
hahas! might be going lan later on. Anyways, audi level up le :D
level 6. don't laugh ah. Cause i seldom play.
7:56 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009Y
had been working for th past three days! (: Really used to standing of long hours. Hahas!Will be off all th way till wednesday.Abdullah came down yesterday. accompanied me eat dinner. Hahas! Thanks! (: tired. tired. Not enough sleep. House is superb noisy.downstairs is drilling th floor -.-baby got me a stitch, (: my first present from him.& i'm like hugging all th way. he told me that hewill get one more for me after his reservist. :DI want th soccer one, can? th 626 one. Hahas.I'm greedy. Blah blah. Hana got me a spongebob.& nelson got me a precious bear bear tgt with qianling.I'm gonna clear up my messy in my bedroom alr.baby say he wanna do spring cleaning.His spring cleaning very scary de.Half of my things will be gone into th bin. /:All skincare products! Can you imagine how vain am i. (:
12:53 PM

Just reached home. Tired. /: Headed to IT fair just now.Was like WOW!!!! Alot of people. I could hardly breathe.
dad bought a printer & itouch. he say i can share with him.
but i won't. hahas! sorry! (: Cause i don't want any song in mp4.
just english & chinese. these few days spent quite alot.
bought mango top, pink earpiece, akon's CD, dano pink top,
braclet and more. Shopping spree shall end now. if now
baby is going to chase me with a knife. beibei had a
haircut. Superb handsome laaa. :D
9:33 PM

Sorry for being unreasonable at times { if you think i'm one }
but i just hope you will think of me too.
is it my fault for loving you that much? i don't know.
i cried stupidly like a crazy girl.
i guess i won't do that again le bahs.
jayda will learn to stand up again.
Can i be th one whom you love dearestly, treasure, appreciate, spend more time with,
endless of things to tell?
2:58 PM

do we look alike? hahas! that what's most people thought we're (: Anyways. happy 18th birthday to SUXIANGJIE on 050309 &
happy 19th birthday to JEREMYSU - feizhu on 070309.
friday went to office to help wendyy with her makeup. be her model.
LOLS. hahas. don't be shock at it uh. (: had superb pain cramp &
motion sickness in cab /: Saw tanbinglin's cousin at th competition too.
Had a small talk with her. hahs. Probably bad-mouthed about him. Oops!
(: && they called my strawberry girl. thanks to wendyy for my outfit.
After that had lunch at cine billy bombers. wendyy's treat! Me & yasmin.
We went for k-box. Omgggggg (: Superb happy laaa. finally can get HIGHHHH.
Saturday before work meet alexTAN for breakfast. his treat. Hahas! I know he's
niceeee! :D hotcakes are my loves! desmondKOH came & find me on saturday, (:
he waited for like 4hours for me to finished my work. thanks! (: Headed back
to woodlands together. Sorry. was abit quiet on that day. /:
No dates. Was suppose to kel & ahtann they all. guess they were busy bahs. /:
12:37 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009Y

She's wendyy! (: Hahas. & she wrote on her blog.I saw sunrise! Superbbbb niceee laaas (:
11:01 PM