Blog is giving me problems like again?! :x
i don't know why.
Nowadays really have problems uploading pictures.
Work, work & work. Hardly have time to blog too.
Failed my basic theory evaluation twice. Omfgggg.
Will be going for the test again tmr night. 955-1040pm.
Hopefully able to pass.
The previous test i just need .
one more answer to pass. T.T 87%. Lols.
Studied superb hardalr lurrhh. Really have to pass tmr.
As btt will be on 31Aug.
Have to pass bte before 5days of btt.
Shouldn't have takeup driving license. :
is the fourth day of hungry ghostfestival.
Baby have been fetching me from work since the first day. :D
Without fail. i guess this entire month he willbe fetching me.
Almost like every days. (: Will be going for
"CHALET" on 31Aug. :D
Baby know what i meant.
Shopping, Shopping & Shopping. 31Aug, ok baby?!
& movie too ( Final destination ) ! Roar :x !
Resturant City finally level 20 alr. 7 levels more to go. :O !
4:58 PM
Thursday, August 6, 2009Y
I'm sick today, /: Having headache since yesterday.
So when clinic to get MC. Doc gave me two medicines.
Made me drowsy. & so i fell asleep for th entire
afternoon. Tomorrow will be going to BTT (Practice)
& BTE. From 950am to 1130am. Still th same as BTL
Class. Will be having BTE th actual test on 31Aug.
Gonna pass it. If not have to wait for another
month to retest again. Chouchou spoilt. /: It teared.
:x damn it. Awwwww!
10:12 PM
Blog is still giving me problems -.-
Anyways, there a sad piece of news i
heard from berry yesterday. Junkai
had passed away in th morning. He
couldn't see th sunrise today, hopefully
he RIP.
Work is still th same. damn tiring.
So damn fcuking long did not blog.
RC is leveing up alr, (:
8:11 PM