Had date w Benjamin today. he came down t fetch me from my house.
& i was late. Sorry /: ! Was supposed to work at greatworld. Ended up
having a sprained ankle. Went down there to pass my vch to angel.
Guess she totally can't remember Ben. haha. he used to work in greatworld
the body shop too. but that was like 2 years back. Headed down to cineleisure
for movie. " the wolfman " ! this movie is totally sucks, alright? i felt so
bored. Kept fidgeting around in th theatre. && th movie is finally over. YAYS !
Felt so happy. haha. Went to 313 for shopping. I know i'm stupid t walk around.
As my leg might be swelling again. But seriously i can't resist th tempation.
HAHA! Ben superb superb stupid. Telling me that one of th shop sell very nice.
So i went in. i felt omgggg. One of th heel is ribbon. th bottom is heart in pattern.
Something special. & th colour. they were in grey and black.. Bought th grey pair.
& i wore it on th spot. HAHA! Pro laaa. Sprained ankle w heel. :D Next stop to
makeup store. Bought a pink eyeliner. Guess less than 15mins i spent almost to
60bucks! && i had been working lesser and lesser. /: