Meetup with NKY, sebas, weiyang, dennis and eric after work. it's been a long time since all of us meetup. Like two years or so. Had step up 3 at causeway cinema. Bought alot of foods, smuggle in. Hahaha. Hello panda and pockey. Dennis and me take like nobody business. Hahah/ Ended up, had t stuff everythings into my bag. Slacked awhile before going back home. :O Wonder when will be th next meetup. D:
10:25 PM
Wednesday, August 25, 2010Y

Pictures were taken at shaw house while waiting for NKY that pig t end work. Hahah! I'm great alright.? Went t fetch him after my work. Work is kinda bored till around 920pm. My big fish came in. :D Yeahs yeahs! Hahaha. She purchase $511.22 from me. Like finally. D: Had supper opposite sembawang shopping centre. Satay and chicken wings. Hahah. After that headed t sembawang park. Chill out over there. Sea breeze is great.
5:41 PM

Woke up hell early today. Meetup with michael tay at east point 10am. It's a great day today i swear. Bond w my PMJ uh. hahaha. Went t pet's safari w qingxiang, chimeh, saiful, amir and sean. Haha! Speak loudly like there's no tomorrow. Kept disturbing one another. :O Everything end at around 130pm. Had lunch at eastpoint w sean and joel. :D After that went t bugis and town with yiling. :D Night, went t clementi. Meetup w raynard. that's silly. :O
5:24 PM
Thursday, August 19, 2010Y
I'm in school now. Good girl uh. but i don't know what teacher is teaching. Faint. Hahah. I'm obessed with facebook night club city. Hahah! Urber fun sia. Stupid modem lost. If not sure bring laptop out t play., hahah! Going grandma's house tonight t stay. As tmr will be meeting lla's teacher 10am at east mall. hahah. Will be meeting those people who are under me for th event. :D Yeahs. Yiling, chimeh and sean blahblah will be going. After th event will be heading t clark quay for job interview. Yeahs. Changing job. Hopefully able t get it. :O And th pay is great probably.
3:26 PM
Tuesday, August 17, 2010Y

Alright, meetup w NKY today after work. Went t fetch him. See, i'm great! & he damn sucks. Scare th shit out of me. F!!!! but he gave me one big pack of popcorn. & is mixed. :D Yeahs. Urber happy. Ate non stop. Hahah. (: Took 167 t smb. Laughed and crapped non stop. He's great at that. Kept telling him go zoo. :D hahaha! Probably end of this month. Looking forward to. :O
1:17 AM