Friday, December 31, 2010Y

Oracle Thai Disco/ (: Countdown t 2011.
Last day of 2010. " If life 2010 was like a roller coaster, no doubt in 2011 it will be great! "
5:12 PM
Friday, December 24, 2010Y
it's XMAS EVE today. Well, had a mini gift exchange in store today. Me & Hajar were like high and crazy as usual. (: Wanted t have pizza for supper. Ended up, fcuked up service we had received from them. Pissed off. Aside from that, everythings went smooth. Had VS pouch from Fadhilah, & a keihl's mango lip balm from wendyy. Awesomeee. :D What others more can i request for.? (: After th mini party. Cabbed t wheelock t meet darling. :o Was late, i know. Sorry. Bought him two cupcakes. They were cute & nice. but it isn't taste great. Eyew.. Oh whatever. Went over t oracle, meet sebas and andy. Countdown over there.
3:03 PM
Tuesday, December 21, 2010Y

Shag, waking up early in th morning for store meeting. D: Arghhh. Pekcek. Totally not enough sleep. It wasn't a meeting at all. Nice t say is meeting. Eventually is being lectured by them. oh whatever. Had mac and tacquito for breakfast. Trained home w hajar. :D Had anfternoon nap, then head down t yishun t fetch darling.

@ Waterfront Playground.
Fun playing th playground. Haha. Climbed up and downs. Like a monkey. & played w th swing.
Went there w huiqi and dennis low too. the view over is totally awesome. Sea & Johor. Wow.
3:51 PM
Friday, December 17, 2010Y

Holiday started. But it means nothing t me. Cause i'll be working almost every single days. damn tired. like i totally got no time for myself. Anyways, it been almost two months since i went shopping. Like a whole day. D: kuai dian. my weekend off.
4:02 PM
Sunday, December 12, 2010Y

Happy 14th birthday JovynaWork work work. /: I'm dead bored at work today. damn. halfway through my break. my mind think of delvin. haha. called him, and checked whether is he working at town. & yes. he's working. i felt gosh! oh my. My break left twenty mins. :x Well, gonna meet him next sunday if i'm working. dinner w me. (:
3:11 PM
Saturday, December 11, 2010Y

Have been working every weekend. Feeling shag, but think of Jan'11 pay. Omggg. I can save moneyyy. :D Haha. Christmas is coming, and i totally don't feel any excitement at all. Cause i'll be working on both Christmas eve and on th day itself. ): & no double pay. Rawr.
2:41 PM