Sunday, February 20, 2011Y

My pandora bracelet. :D
12:31 AM
Wednesday, February 16, 2011Y

Seriously, i don't feel like waking up for morning lesson today. Was superb tired due t yesterday volleyball training. Body ache. Rawr, dragged myself out of bed. Meet darling @ inter around 8am. Superb happy okay.? Cause he accompanied me all th way till tam. Cause he need t go bedok for some stuff. Haha. First time in my life, he acc me t school. Not gonna forget this day.
12:24 AM
Tuesday, February 15, 2011Y

Miss Joyce bought us Starbuck Cheese Cake. :D
12:27 AM
Monday, February 14, 2011Y

Happy Valentine Day People & my dearest NKY.
Had school today. Haha. Clique thought today is v'day and i won't attend it. Haha. Sorry, failed you guys. :D Did assignments in class. I know i'm a good girl. but seriously, i'm stupid ttvm. Forget t ftp teacher. did it for nothing. damn it.! After school, meet darling @ orchard. I'm late. Thanks t bus 31. SLOW! Had something light over there, trained over t bugis for dinner. MOF japanese foods and sweets buffet. damn nice, though th food was like a few choices. They have more desserts than main course, which i don't understand. Heh. But worth it. there's like chocolate fondue, "fine dining cake and mousse" , pizza, spaghetti and most t most there's octopus salad. Yummy. (: Shopped around parco. Saw something that caught my eyes. Stitch's contact lens case. :D darling bought for me. Thanks! (Y) Wanted t get some things for him, but he don't want. D: Nvmd, gonna make up for him one present soon. blahblahblah,
12:13 AM
Sunday, February 13, 2011Y

Work without hajar is definitely bored. but with her, i look forward t those days working with her. She's a fucker who loves t camwhore. Every now and then when i reach work, she will say
" take photo, take photos leis. I wanna upload t facebook! " *laugh die me haha.
& i love helping her with her makeup. As thou i'm a makeup specialist. but i'm not. heh! hopefully this month able t hit target. & no forgetting t get her a valentine gift.
3:23 PM
Friday, February 11, 2011Y

First day work during CNY. Not much things happened. Had Angbaos from company and maggie. Erm, first day worked w Anisah too. I totally can't remember her. And she told me
" You don't remember me.? That day we went t Movida.? "
I was like erm. Oh ya. I remembered. Haha. Paiseh. That day was too high alr. Anyways, She's great t work with. (:
And and and i went t school today. Completed my assignments. :D Happy max. Windows 7 phase test is on, next friday. doom shit. Hopefully able t complete half, just half. D:
3:40 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2011Y

Headed down t chinatown w mom and darling. Had bak gu teh and sesame chicken for lunch. Seriously, awesome max. Haha. Kept saying nice while I'm eating. Haha. :) After-which, was like a idiot. Was finding a Chinese medicine. darling saw this tim-tim shop. He was like ohmygod. Their stuff was like superb ex siol. :( Gonna get it once i got th money. :D Surprise.
11:56 PM
Thursday, February 3, 2011Y

Had a delicious lunch before heading out. (: Had steamboat w family. th soup was superb nom nom nom. *laugh. Was so damn excited t wear my new year clothes. And it turned out t be awesome. :D *Claps. Baobei also nice too. haha. he smell great. & w his handsome haircut. like like like. (:
destination of th day.
1. Grandmother's house
2. Great Grandma's house
3. Grandma's house
4. God Grandmother's house
After that, dad drive me t yishun t find Ahyang. (: he kept pester me t go his grandmother's house. Left w no choice, but t head up. Everyone was like aiyo, kept talking t me. I was like so damn fucking shy luh. haha. Cabbed t his house, counted my red packets. Haha. Was more than what i expected. :D Money money money. :O haha. Cabbed back home around midnight.
11:45 PM
Tuesday, February 1, 2011Y

Happy 20th birthday dennis low. :D
12:38 AM