Thursday, December 1, 2011Y

Exactly 24days to christmas & 30days to 2012. && 12 more days to me and bby 6th month. (:
So this life.? haha. I guess so. Still wondering what should i get for bby for christmas. hmmm. He
don't really need anything. /: Any idea.?
Okay, i bought a top from gmarket recently. Still waiting for it t arrive. Ohmygod, i can't wait to receive it. It's rather pretty and cheap. Purhcased it at a price of $4.40. Reasonable.? :D
30 secrets about myself. *don't blame me, cause i'm bored at work. /:
1. Who was your last text from?
Emilia Phua
2. Where was your default pics taken?
Plaza Singapura Starhub
3. What your FULL name?
4 Your current status?
Attached to TanCheeLoong. <3
5 What is your current mood?
Dead bored
6. How old are you?
7. If you could go back in time, what would you want to change.?
I would study hard for my N's.
8. What your favourite colour/s?
Rainbow. (:
9.Ever had a near death experience?
Of cause not
10. Something you do a lot?
Spending time w hubby & playing volleyball w him.
11. Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
Bby, Fiona, Alex, Xuemin. (: someone with the same birthday as you
Chee wei
13 If you could have one super power, what would it be?
14.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
haha. i don't really know.
15.favourite season
autunm & winter (but not in singapore) you still watch kiddy movie or tv shows?
duh, of cause tv shows
17.what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Calbury hot chocolate & bread talk chocolate bread for breakfast. (:
18.what language do you speak?
English, Chinese & Hokkien
19.describe your life in one word
Depends, if it's out enjoying definitely it's awesome. you have any tattoos?
21.who was the last person you hung out?
hubby. <3
22.what are you thinking abiut right now?
Can i go back home sleep.? Effing tired
23.what should you be?
Famous blogger. :D *Daydreaming
24.who was the last person that made you upset?
25.what are you listening to?
Goddamn christmas songs. -.- you lik working in th yard?
i dont know.cause i did not work there before.
27.who is with you now?
ME, MYSELF AND I. you act different around the person you like?
Nope. I just like being myself
29.what is your natural hair colour?
30.What are your future planning?
Save up & get a diploma.
11:27 AM