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Welcome to jaydaang.blogspot.com
Thursday, June 14, 2012Y
First day work at l'occitane

First day of work after being a taitai for quite some times. Not bad, thou feel kinda tired. Maybe woke up too early then those "normal" days. Hope will be better in times. :)

heart blue w/ glitter 11:00 PM

Monday, June 11, 2012Y
21st BBQ. Advanced celebration.

heart blue w/ glitter 4:54 AM

Saturday, May 19, 2012Y
JB. 😁

heart blue w/ glitter 4:35 AM

Saturday, May 5, 2012Y
K-session again.

K-session is always our hang out place every alternate week. Hah! That's why I'm able to grab hold of the mayorship of teoheng.! Hahahah. :D this time, went w ahthong&大嫂. Sang from 10pm till 2am. They said my singing not bad. (y) I was thought that my singing was extremely shit. Till some one praise me. Hah! *flying After singing, did not managed to have supper, as it was raining super super heavy that clementi was flood. & gab told us, "Wah, still got current." #okcan #lol As in when he alight the car, the water level was as high as till above his ankle. Omfg, that was fucking scary. I saw the water like rushing pass the car & I was sitting inside w the door open. Just imagine I'm the one alight, guess I'm be drown by now. (lol, think too much!)

heart blue w/ glitter 12:41 PM

Tuesday, April 24, 2012Y

Getting more and more lazy to update! @#$%!&*
Time to get some works done. I'm left two weeks in this company! Yea, prolly it's a good sign. I'm spending or i should say wasting my life rotting over here. There's not much customer and i have nothing to do. Most of the time i will be surfing the net and watching video from YouTube. #deadbored Will be having a good 10days break before working at Natural Beauty. Okay, don't ask me what's that. I don't know either. I only know it's about skincare! Yay, i know i know. Like skincare again? That's my only good points in retail industry. HAHA! Hmmm, just wondering what should i do during this 10days of break. Like bby is working almost everyday. /: Rawr, me no like!

Trying to save up by not spending on unneccesary stuff, but i don't feel good! Arghh. It's totally impossible for me to save. I just love new stuff and the urge of paying money to the cashier! "okay, i sounds idiot!"

Oh ya, the faint feeling come back again! damn. #lifesucks I almost faint while working and there's no one in shop. Chill ran down my spine, i felt so helpless. there's nothing i can do to stop this feeling. how? Went to the doctor, he told me i'm having depression. Whut?!?! Seriously i doubt his knowledge. How on earth will this faint feeling phobia turns into depression? Is not like i hallucination or having split-personalities. This is totally atrocious. You can't buy me for that. & there's no medication for it. Doom for sure!

Tweenies-first will be coming in 1.5months. Still not sure what should i do. Totally no plan. & please don't be a screw-up one on that day. & wondering what should i get for myself. You know, something that is memoriable kind, not those sucky ones.

heart blue w/ glitter 7:21 PM